Sunday, March 30, 2008

Like a smack to da' face!

Hey ya'll! It was so great to hang out with Luu again! We had a pretty fun session Friday night. At the same time we're trying to get back into the "swing of things". The winter seems to have taken a serious hit to our skills (mainly mine, I suck!). So hopefully you'll see more FS/FF/Arashi samplers!

This was my first time working with HD footage. My computer is WAY too slow to be dealing with HD footage, so I'm working on upgrading that as well. This was filmed with a Canon HV20, by my girlfriend Hilary. I recorded a few shots as well...

For faster computers-
Download the compressed, high quality version with this link!

For slower/outdated computers-

Download the compressed, then recompressed lower quality version with this link!
--View it with quicktime if you have it--

Youtube for all ya suckas! (It's a shame to watch HD footage on youtube. Sacrificed video quality and all!)

OH YEAH, by the way, kids on highly caffeinated products is hilarious! Christian was acting a little more than crazy! Justin didn't trick because he's injured (mild knee injury). Plus Ryan lives in Arizona now, and he just got surgery on his knee. And Trevor came and displayed a crash fest! LOL (he crashed like everything, but I think his feet/toes were all messed up-Luu's also).


As for training...

Apr 03
Partly Cloudy 54°/39° 10 %

(It'll be some what warm on Thursday, and it won't be raining. Maybe a Tankf session?)

Apr 04

WCG session? 8:30pm->fatigue? Badger hair?

Apr 05
AM Clouds / PM Sun 59°/35° 20 %

(Maybe Tankf session?)

Friday, March 28, 2008


Crazy session indeed...

8-till fatigue, special guests!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mah News

Right so I just had a session with all the Roanoke trickers.
What's your news, guys? How did that meeting go? if it didn't go then I would like to have a few words with you all somehow sometime soon.
I love you all, Devon

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Eric May says he'll start hanging out with us again:

FFhaime007: u gonna start hangin with us again
shinobmufu12: yeah
FFhaime007: u got a car yet??
shinobmufu12: yeah
shinobmufu12: ill be there in april

so we'll see about that.

Plus Elim/ Andy wants in on FF. What do you guys think? (That's addressed to the team)
Should we have new members? Should we just concentrate on ourselves and our own future?

I leave it up to you guys, you guys have to start being able to make decisions as a team.

Plus, yeah, things have been seriously dull...
Team meeting on Wednesday (3/19) of next week, Chilli's in West Springfield. Dinner at 6pm.

Members I would like to attend:

We need to work some things out. Post on the blog to confirm you got this message.

Saturday, March 08, 2008


Hey's all a part of growing/actualizing etc.

It's all good. In fact, very good that you decided to turn that all around soon enough. I also began noticing you had the wrong mindset, and you were being over critical and negative of people's progression/trick styles.
(Of course that's only based off of my opinion of what tricking is, bla bla)

Anyhow, today, the 8th of March (holy crap time is flying by)/ Jester, and Maguire will be training at 6pm in WCG! I just found out a few minutes ago, so now I'm trying to make last minute plans for a good session. Maybe this will be a bit of a wake up call/good opportunity to relight our fire.
Things are beginning to die out with us, so, lets try to get together and fire it up today--->

Friday, March 07, 2008

Tricking, and me.

This is a post about tricking and me (Devon).
I'm not sure when it started to get like this for me, but I realize I've been setting myself for a pretty gruesome crash n' burn for quite a while now.
Basically, I've been tricking for all the wrong reasons. There's a reason I started and there's a reason I want to continue to do it (for more or less the rest of my life), and I've gone astray from that.

I've been motivated mostly by anger and dislike of the way other people are doing things. My view of the tricking community became contorted in many ways;
I'm pretty much going to say I expect that in the future my best friends are going to be trickers (they already are), but given the growing diversity of people who trick, I was growing concerned about a few things: One of which is the pretty much all-around fact that everyone's chasing validation from the "well-knowns" and not really from those at their same level or with their same mindset. There is no "top" and "bottom" in this sport, it's just too complex. However, there is a system in effect (although I think it's flawed and dysfunctional like a car made entirely out of cheddar cheese).

A problem arose for me, and I think the reason it affected me so much was because I'm still trying to figure out how to live without getting pissed off really easily:
I have always found it pretty easy to ignore (or shut down, depending on how i'm feeling) the occasional portentous bastard that I encounter, (mostly because I've been smarter and better than them :P) but for the first time I've been unable to shake off these annoying oafs that think they're all that, and in this I ran into a big conflict within myself. I'm obviously not really one to stand for all the arrogance that's arose recently, but I'm also not going to take it too seriously anymore. Thinking about all that was getting in the way of my training and creativity.

I know other people read this (i.e. not FF) and to you I say: don't really pay this mind much, just expect to see both some experimental stuff and some perfectionist stuff from me from now on. I'm also becoming aware of the reason I get pissed off by portentous people is that I, myself might be portentous, and here is where I'm trying to find an answer: I'm looking for what I truly want out of this, and I'm going to be doing a lot of experimenting to find out what I'm capable of, and what I should do with that.

So yeah that's probably pretty long but that's what I've been thinking about this week.
I'm busy today (Saturday), but I'm pretty sure I'll train on Sunday for a little while at WCG- I need a relaxed session.

A few other things: I made my own edit of that video I didn't like and it came out nicely.
I'm going on a bit of a road trip with my father in a week, so if I don't see everyone before then, good luck. I'll be training hard for that two weeks that I'll be going south (grassssssss!)
I still think gainer switches are silly bones, though. Replace them hos with Flick-Flacks.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

That;s Right.!#I

The Mars Volta fully supports the Divers of FF, as well as the rest of you. Also, Devon and I (and trevor was working and checking in and be exo-excellent)tricked at the new gym and i had to leave half-way through, but for the short time i was there, Great things happened. For more good news, It's beginning to warm up outside. if anyone wants to get in some badass training on friday nights in the Springfield area, my Master has agreed to let us train friday nights at my taekwondo school. yeye

And now for the week's forecast...

Looks like it's going to start warming up...
thank god.

Forecast Conditions
High/Low °F
Mar 2
43°/23° 20%
Mar 3
Partly Cloudy
51°/40° 20%
Mar 4
Few Showers
48°/38° 30%
Mar 5
48°/30° 60%
Mar 6
Partly Cloudy
48°/34° 10%
Mar 7
Rain / Snow Showers
44°/27° 30%
Mar 8
Partly Cloudy
39°/26° 10%
Mar 9
Partly Cloudy
39°/29° 0%
Mar 10
Mostly Cloudy
47°/34° 10%
Mar 11
Partly Cloudy
46°/33° 20%

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Sorry guys...

I didn't come through on the session.

snow was bad, I didn't feel "all there" this morning. head was mixed up so I bailed out.

but next week I promise...I'll be kickin' it full swing.

Lately I've been training throughout the week at "teh new gym". Joe hooked me up where I can practice on the sidelines and when there are random breaks during classes. I'm not sure what I can do for the whole team as of yet so hang on tight, I'm working on it...
but as the saying goes-
When given an inch, don't take a mile. ----or something like that!

btw, I've also been messing with video editing and uploading stuff to a new account on youtube. 2008 is going to be so awesome for FF!