Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Devon I.A. 2007!

Devon, despite the large age gap between us, is like my best friend right now. He hangs out with an old fart like me on a regular basis, and we have a lot in common.
Our trick styles are kinda similar as well.
I hope you all appreciate this boy's sampler as much as I do. I seen his style develop to this amazing level. I'm just at a loss for words at how proud I am of him.


Monday, December 24, 2007

Post of shame, confusion, and hope...

Yeah, so I haven't trained properly in over a month.
I'm starting to feel regret, as NY gathering 07-08 is fast approaching.
I feel like a fat slug, winter sucks, hate it.
I jumped between three different jobs in the last 2 months. Madness.

I was supposed to train this last weekend in the Cape with good ol' friends, I bailed out because of inadequate rest and mild depression.

ANYWAYS, I finally snapped out of it!

I'll be able to attend NY gathering on Friday night and early Saturday. (I have to leave though, I have to work early Sunday).

I'm working on ciuewcu's sampler, and it's sick! Trust me! Also, I'll be editing a sampler for NY gathering as well.

One more thing, I'm finally motivated for my 2008 solo sampler.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


As 2007 is coming to a close, and FF probably won't be releasing any new videos until after 2008 (Unless Devon releases his sampler hecka soon which I hope!), I decided I'd make a playlist showcasing all of FF's videos from the year 2007!

With time, I'll get to making playlists from all other years of FF's video goodness. But for now, feast your eyes upon the 2007'ness!

Tip: You can scroll through the videos, by going to the bottom right hand corner of the playlist window and clicking the arrows. (Either left or right)

!!! Devon, if you need a computer to edit your sampler on, you're definitely welcome to come over here to do so !!!



looks very awesome! :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Devon Says:

MANY thanks to Jaime and Hilary for hanging out with me on saturday. You two are the greatest. (Jaime I think you'll be pretty pleased with your tricks when you see the tape.) That was the best birffday ever ;) It really meant a lot that you came to WCG with me. My dad thinks you are very nice people.

I'm going to the NY gathering with my big ol' Jeep. I have room for 4 people other than myself and all their respective crap- so Tony, Christian, Justin, Eric, Trevor: If any of you would like to ride with me we should schedule an agenda soon. I'd like to have some company and the more of us go together the less gas will cost etc. (plus all the crustaceous fun)

I reckon i'm finished collecting clips for my 07 sampler now I just need to edit it...

Also: here are some pictures of weird fish!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

OH MY GAWD! Speed Racer 2008!

I'm in tears...I can't frikkin' wait!

Triforce 07 complete!

Here is the youtube playlist, holding all three videos: (Jaime/Ryan/Justin 2007)

Here are the download links:
Justin Carney 2007
Jaime Colon 2007
Ryan Rempfer 2007

If you'd like to see what our online community has to say about these three video, you can check out the forum threads here:
Justin Carney
Jaime Colon
Ryan Rempfer

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Oh yeah...

The video section will be getting a major face lift when I release Ryan Rempfer's sampler~

That video section is in need of change.

Low quality version.

I did a photo shoot with Photographer Paul Maska (Awesome guy by the way!), out on Cape Cod, sometime in October. Here is a couple of the shots he took, in very low quality format: