Saturday, March 14, 2009


You have a video report due by the 14th of April. You must incorporate all current active members of the team in a video presentation that highlights all the strengths and weaknesses of the group. There are not any limitations or requirements really. Just that it be very innovative and interesting. Use your network wisely! Connect with friends, carpool to sessions, make this report happen!
The only acceptable formats I'll be taking are mpeg2, and WMV.
WMV settings are:
image quality, 100 percent
bit rate, 10mbps

Do not ask for help from me, by now I'm sure you can do everything I can do and more as far as tricks and editing goes. I want to see something similar but different. Use your skills to motivate and inspire the team to do as you wish. Make them want to make this happen! Surprise me with your edit!

...side notes:
try to connect with rare or old members for extra credit!

As for me I'll be doing my own thing for awhile. I have some injuries and personal business I must take care of. I'm still willing to show up and hang out at sessions, and I'll be back full swing soon enough. New shirts should be up by tonight!

1 comment:

  1. It shall be done!

    and rofl at the "you can do everything I can do and more as far as tricks and editing goes." nice reverse psychology trolling hahaha

    damn I've got some sweet ideas already, but we've all gotta pull together to make this happen! Who's with me? RAWR!
