Thursday, January 28, 2010

To Devon, about the tribute...

Devon! Thank you very much for the tribute! This means a lot coming from someone like you. It's good to feed off your positive energy and be able to stay connected in this community through you. You keep me on track and keep me from falling off. Every session I'm like, "I wanna impress Devon with :: :: ::".

You've also grown to be such a great friend to Hilary and I, and more so you've found a permanent spot in my heart and in the circle of FF. I seriously consider you close as family. I trust you 100%, for all the crap you've helped Hilary and I through (and that's a lot, you know~)
You're the man Devon simply put! Your enthusiasm and artistic and creative sense is a real treat, and I hope we'll stay close for life.
And everyone else, thanks for watching and commenting! This is a good collection for myself actually. It's a good reminder of what I can do, and what I should be able to do easily. This video has been pumping me up for a 2010 sampler! It WILL be good...
OH, and A+ for "at the drive in"!!!