Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Whats Up !!!

Justin - Sorry i didn't get back to you about that little shindig you had. I wanted to go but my friend's band was playing so i couldn't make it. But next time . .

Jaime - We've been playin' some telephone tag and i AiN't dOWN WitHat BULLSHIT ! Let's hang

Devon - YOU SHOULD hang WITH US !!

Trevor - hi I have a new OJ fetish. not orange juice. not simpson. but Orange Julius. let's do it

Tony - Same Goes for You

I dunno if anyone sti|| checks the site but if so, i expect prompt responses cause it's been faar too long.



  1. indeed homie...
    i say we get it up this weekend/ or if anyone is school/jobless we hit it up in the early day weekdays

    tankf+my house it up. games and food you know

  2. Christian! we haven't talked in a while, so you probably didn't know that I'm going to Norway! actually, I'm almost there already and I'm IN scotland right effin' now hanging out with TFsimon. I hope you're kicking butt as usual! I'll get back around mid-august with missive piles of footage to transform into sexy documentative projects. Gotta see you when I get back, bro!
    miss you Xtreme

  3. Justin11:21 AM

    dude it has been way to long!! we must hang, i hate phone tag. i think we should plan out a weekend a few weeks in the future or something. cape or something.. FF ASsEMBLE!!!!
    oh jaime, i need an account with blogger my old one hasnt worked in years
