Friday, January 20, 2006


Yes yes ya'll...BIG crazy update! NEWS~> I'm taking a road trip. Yes a road trip, only thing's not your average road trip. Starting tommorow and lasting for about close to two weeks. My start point; Springfield, MA. Ending in Palm Coast, FL. I'm going to be stopping at various locations on the east coast. I'm willing to hang out with just about anyone willing to take me in for a day, supplying me with a sleeping arrangement, and possibly a plate of food for dinner. So me at if you're interested. I'll have my laptop with me and I'll be constantly checking my email and myspace accounts. I don't want to spoil my stop points yet, but I'll post them on the site the same day of arrival. I'll be editing samplers while on the trip...trying to document this massive event as best as possible.
Besides that, the last three days have been beyond hectic for many, many reasons. Yeah, I'm very glad "it's" over. So yeah, major changes in store for me, Haime Colon, which means many changes for FF. Believe me it's all good! I've become much more organized and responsible. (Yet I still didn't get a few members the uniform and shirt yet...oopsies!)
Trust me...I'm working on it. ;]
Just know, alot of this is all possible for three VERY big reasons, and I think it's important to mention and more importantly to appreciate these sources. One of those sources being my girlfriend Hilary. Guys...she's been holding it down, I mean in everyway useful and imaginable. This insane trip wouldn't be possible without her. And the backbone to our relationship, and financial comfort in this roadtrip that I'm taking is all thanks to my mother. She's also held it down for me...If it weren't for these two amazing women, I'd be somewhere very undesirable. Lastly I'd like to thank my dad. I'm now living with him...and it's a major change in pace, and it's a big wake up call for me as a 22 year old. And all for good reasons. These three people are making my life structured in the best way, which is good for mine and FF's future.

Anyways...Sayonara till next update~> NY here I come!

BTW> I forgot to post Duke Hoff and Yahtzee's sampler in the last update, so I popped it into this one. Go check it out in our video section if you haven't done so already~


  1. Anonymous12:01 AM

    woo! nice update mang.

    (waiting for the shirt and just playing man!)


    - Jon P

  2. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Is that what the "big session" is kickin off? i had no idea! sounds RAD!!!

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    yo haime i heard u like jessica alba...happy birthday
