Wednesday, September 26, 2007


pretty dang good session teh triforce had today!


  1. Oh god give me details!
    also, I was wondering if we could trick at Tankf just for a change of scenery and etc. also, would it be possible to get directions/ address of that other gym? Hope you're not insane-O-chronic busy, man. email me if you can't reach me otherwise:

  2. also the sliding door was locked at WCG last time we tried to go so... I don't know what to do about that.

  3. the session at tankf today was sick!

    but yeah we can have more tankf sessions like soon, just not before saturday because we're gonna have a ridiculous time then, and I want us all to be fresh.

    we're all gonna meet at my house before the session on saturday so youll see how to get there.

  4. Anonymous9:57 AM

    duuuude i have a graduation at the karate school this saturday at 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!this suuuucks, sorry man, you all gotta tear the shit up though
