Friday, December 29, 2006
Site update, and New Video!!
I know, the video says "2005", yeah:
//Mike Wong said...
This footage is about a year old, so didn't want to give the impression it was recent, thus 2005. Should say early 2006 i guess... //
The video is awesome! Editing is cool, sick tricks, nice vibe, FF in Nippon! Anyways please enjoy!
::Later I'll create a downloadable link in our video section::
I also relinked everything from the nav bar (Top Bar) into the blog template. Now everything loads in one window. =)
I changed the colors of a few things. And created a picture section!!! [Justin] =)
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Official Release of Ryan Rempfer 06!!

| | |
"Ryan Rempfer 2006"
Format: High Quality WMV
Edited by, Jaime Colon (FuriousHaime)
Length: 2:28
Bit Rate: 1727kbps
Size: 29.6Mbs
Dimensions: 720X480
Song: Blinded, by Bigwig
Additional info: This is some of Ryan's better footage of the year. This year's been kinda tough for Ryan and FF, as in, not getting together on a regular basis. He's been pretty busy with school/family etc., you know, real life stuff. So his video is fast, short taste of Ryan's quick style!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Looking to the future...

We're already in process for "Winter Force 2006", as well as gathering more footage for my solo project. =)
In other news, "Ryan Rempfer 2006" will be available for download this tuesday, 12/19/06!! Eric May's will be available the next tuesday!!!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Teh Forum!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Official release of Autumn Force 2006!

Format: High Quality WMV
Edited by yours truly, Jaime Colon (FuriousHaime)
Features members: Steve Izzi, Mike Wong, Rob Cabral, Eric May, Ryan Rempfer, Justin Carney, and Jaime Colon
Length: 2:40
bit rate: 1898kbps
Size: 34.9Mbs
Dimensions: 720X480
Song: Apocalypse Now and Then, by Every Time I Die
Additional info: Well I've decided, I'll release an FF team samp every season. Look forward to "Winter Force 2006"
Comments are surely welcome either through our site or our forum:
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Shantkviging Phapy!!!

Well yeah...whether it's a shame or not, I haven't posted any new NAN stuff in a while. So here I present to you the last video from the New York portion of our trip:
Hotshots Hype!! - Edited by Jaime Colon, of Furious Force
Format: High Quality WMV
Song: "I don't need no *effin* muzik!!" (n/a)
Length: 5 minutes, 36 seconds
There will be plenty other videos from our trip with NAN, but this video is the last from NY. The MA and CT portion of the trip are yet to come.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
So Bresnan said...

99 cents make a full dollar in Azerman, Bavil. I like that too. =)
For the hatred of people I'd say give em' back their Sundays chrysler, or we just might have to start breaking things...Like dancing for example.
So like, tricking is pretty cool right? Well, drinkin' vodka is a bad idea but I'd recommend stage diving. Especially without a crowd, it's really a rush I'll tell ya'!
penuts, marshmallows and rubber.
I think...

I think more people should check out the artblog Hilary and I put up~
~And save it to favorites, and post comments...regularly~
Saturday, November 18, 2006

But I can very much appreciate it! I'm really loving this band right now. No matter what mood you may be in, Muse has a track that suits that mood pretty well.
The newest CD (which came out this year) I'd say is not one of there best, but is still pretty damn sick. Of course with my music taste, "Assasin" was my favorite track on the CD. Which is also the song Bryan Hasho (Empire) used in the FF/FS merger sampler "Assasin"
Muse... =)
Friday, November 17, 2006

He did a presentation on the evolution of tricks, and we all did a "performance".
It was pretty sick I must say, great crowd response!
So um, when Justin is done presenting his video and write up portion of his presentation maybe I can steal the tape and make a sampler out of it? We shall see, sooner or later~
=B yeah I have two tongues!
Justin's jacked, and this is a funny picture!
Oh crazpzilla yo!

Ryan R. (R2Trixter) and Wayne S. (540 guy) will commence in an all out tricks battle dated for December 14th, 2006!!!
Both are in good shape and high spirits going into this battle. Both are considered to be some of the highest level trickers in the relative area. Very skilled and aggressive trickers, this should indeed turn out to be a great battle!!!
Here at FF, we of course are going for our boy Ryan to win this, we're gonna' coach him up real good until the battle day!
Make your travel arrangements from now to join in on the fun!
So amazing!
This man's video editing abilities are so refined. Especially at his young age. (Basing off of his Egocentric video presentation, he said he was only 20 years old!!). I can only imagine how much better he'll get as he gets more involved with other video artists and continues to master his editing style.
Plus he's from Norway as well. Lately many things coming out of Norway have been motivating me! =D
So this, and try to understand how difficult it must've been to edit, and pretty much just appreciate it for what it is worth. In my oppinion, it's worth alot!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Gymnastics was the man's passion. He died doing what he loved most...
"N.J. Instructor Dies Attempting Quad Front Flip"
Here's the newspaper clipping on the accident:
--Click here--
Here's a tribute video to the man:
Saturday, November 11, 2006
WTF is up son!?

NAN+FF+FS project is going smoothly and is being edited, released on time// =)
Ryan's new individual video was *completed*, but now is in reconstruction because of a very expected opening in the threshold of his skills! He's opened up to a whole new level...believe me!!
So I'd say maybe 2 or 3 more sessions of filming with Rempfer and Ill re-edit his video. Estimated time of release will be december sometime. I'll discuss with him whether he wants it released before or after FS' NY gathering January 07.
Justin Carney's Individual sampler was released a few weeks ago. But again, a very expected opening in the threshold of his skills has brought a desire to re-edit his sampler. Plus we will be doing much more filming, experimenting with different editing styles and filming techniques as well as getting a bit more creative with trick ideas. Expect an awesome re-edit of Justin Carney's video!!
Also, I've begun collecting footage for team mate Eric May. The boy was recruited to the inner team late last year, and has made extreme progress since that time! He's also another one on our team that's really pushing the limits. His video may also be out for release sometime in December, or January.
As far as my new video is concerned...
Who the fu*$ knows when the release date is?? I sure as heck don't know. Not that I'm not making any progress (Because I'm doing OK in tricking.) I just really want to surprise everyone with the content of my new video. =)
In other news:
We went to New York for a costume session, on 10/21/06 on from NYC'z Jester's invite. We had an awesome time with FS NY and some guys from PA. Bryan Hasho (Empire), who is the unofficial but official team leader// "holdin' it downer" for FS was in attendance!! He filmed and edited an awesome FF/FS merger sampler of the event and I believe that everyone should download the video if ya' know what's good for you:
The week after. Which was the weekend before halloween we had a session in our town to which Team Arashi came to visit! Them frikkin' Arashiens are cool cats and are progressing at a fast rate in all team aspects!! Plus with the new recruit of Willie B, they're like the 2nd team out of 981274982374 trick teams to have a black dude in the roster!! (lol =P) Anyways congrats to Arashi for the ;positiveness;>progression>tricking passion, and support of interracial relationships...
Our event was plagued with issues but we switfly and masterfully managed to evade all problematic circumstances and had a spontaneously combustive event!
Arashi Mike edited a video of the event already, because he's a B.A.M.F. :
The next day we all chilled at Mohegan Sun for a competition. Justin Carney and I competed and did, ok over all.
Justin Carney:
2nd place //although he practically fell flat on his face during his form//
-lol, yeah. Kind of "un-believeeee-able" (Quote from Great Teacher Onizuka) He was in a division where everyone did practically flawless forms. They weren't the most competitive forms but they didn't fall on their face, and do a form with a weird grin on their face. lol
Don't get me wrong though, Justin Carney's a beast, and just has too much man power for girly forms~
1st place in creative forms
4th place in traditional forms
I went for the grands but lost to a dude who did a traditional routine. Sucks for me, no $250.00 .
If you're interested in my form, check it out-
Things have somewhat slowed down for FF lately. (For me at least) Giving me (us) a chance to do some concentrated and isolated training, save money or focus on school, and really just focus on our goals. No events are really planned.
Maybe NY gathering is the next event?
Monday, November 06, 2006
Hotshots Part Deux!

Hotshots Part Deux - Edited by Jaime Colon, of Furious Force
Format: High Quality WMV
Song: Voices, by Saosin
Length: 3 minutes, 43 seconds
Clicking -here- will bring you to the NAN roadtrip post to view all other media from the event! I also updated that blog entry with the new video as well~
Friday, November 03, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
\\NewAgeNinjas, Furious Force, and Team FS//

Yes yes...This post shall hold all media updates pertaining to the Roadtrip/gathering we had together! Whenever you want to check on the status of our media updates on the event, refer to this post!!
Click on the video's title name to download/view.
1. Clam - Edited by Snake, of NewAgeNinjas
Format: Quicktime mov.
Song: Like Light to the Flies, by Trivium
Length: 5 minutes, 47 seconds
2. Hotshots - Edited by Jaime Colon, of Furious Force
Format: High Quality WMV
Song: Bury your Head, by Saosin
Length: 3 minutes, 31 seconds
3. Hotshots Part Deux - Edited by Jaime Colon, of Furious Force
Format: High Quality WMV
Song: Voices, by Saosin
Length: 3 minutes, 43 seconds
4. Hotshots Hype!! - Edited by Jaime Colon, of Furious Force
Format: High Quality WMV
Song: "I don't need no *effin* muzik!!" (n/a)
Length: 5 minutes, 36 seconds
5. reserved
6. reserved
7. reserved
8. reserved
For Snake's day to day blog, and videos on the RoadTrip, refer to this link:
The picture gallery(s) are still in construction!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Tricks are for kids...
So yeah, have fun...
//Well I originally had an embedded game here but took it out because the background noise wasn't "disable'able", and it was kinda annoying. So I just removed it =) //
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Forum status, updates//

Day 1-
"SHIT! Upgrading isn't going so hot. The forums won't be back until November 29th (thirty six more days) Kidding. But need a little longer. (Maybe just thirty five days) Hahaha"
- Juji
Day 2-
I'm about done I guess. Now I'm just tweaking and double checking stuff. Won't be back up for another day though. Toilet seat.
- Juji
Day 3-
Things are going well. Feel like this would be a good opportunity to spruce things up a bit. Maybe plant some shrubbery in the publicus and mop the floors in the health and nutrition kitchen?
- Juji
Day 3 and a half-
All done! Now I just gotta clean up shop. Forums will be back up tomorrow evening; And since you don't know when I've posted this message / you can take a stab at guessing when exactly that will be. Hahaha
- Juji
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Official Release of Justin Carney's 2006 Sampler!
Format: High Quality WMV
Edited by Jaime Colon (FuriousHaime), yeah, that'd be me//
Length: 1:22
bit rate: 1841kbps
Size: 17.6Mbs
Dimensions: 720X480
Song: Follow the Leader, by Bigwig
Additional info: Justin Carney always beasts it out over the summer months in our training sessions. He usually has a small variety of tricks he works with, but he gets so damn good at that list of tricks! He's developing lots of power and speed, and this video shows all that... power and speed! =)
FF Carney power+summer+bigwig=sicksauceycream!
In case you guys prefer to preview videos before you download them, we've also uploaded it to Youtube as well:
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The tricksters of pro-wrestling
Jack Evans
Add to My Profile | More Videos
Teddy hart Clip
Add to My Profile | More Videos
SOOOO fresh!
(No he's not a member of FF or anything, he's just such an inspiration to FF is all)
Great taste in music I may add! When his second song kicked in, I got instant goosebumps! This samp is too much!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Thriller Indian Cover - Jerky, Clip, Parodie, Fun - Dailymotion Partagez Vos Videos

Thriller Indian Cover - Jerky, Clip, Parodie, Fun - Dailymotion Partagez Vos Videos
Trevor, Nate, Justin and I recommend viewing this, NOW!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Kaiju on the front page of the Boston Herald?!

Yep...that's right! Furious Force's Mike Wong, member of Kaiju, is known as Kung Fu Chicken noodle and/or Neo Teppen.
Here's The Article!!
Yeah, they're on the front page of the Boston Herald. That's pretty frikkin' sick!
Monday, October 16, 2006
The Adventure of The Red Munkey
So yeah this is so freaking awesome! Sebastian Hinds (Red munkey of FS) gets to travel all around the US as a job!!!!1
Check out that link for his blog during his trip///
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Another update!
FF videos
I also popped a new video in there called "TehCape" parts 1 and 2//
(If the page for some odd reason looks the same, click refresh on your browser to view the changes.)
Saturday, October 14, 2006
So desu ne...
Friday, October 13, 2006
Official release of Summer Force 2006

//Click Me to Download//
Format: High Quality WMV
Edited by yours truly, Jaime Colon (FuriousHaime)
Features members, Jon Call (Jujimufu), Steve Izzi, Mike Wong, Eric May, Ryan Rempfer, Justin Carney, and Jaime Colon
Length: 3:14
bit rate: 1897kbps
Size: 42.4Mbs
Dimensions: 720X480
Song: Outer Rings, by Bigwig
Additional info: The video shows our training sessions we've had as a team over the summer months. Sadly, we never had the chance to have a full team outdoor session over the whole summer.
So it to be called "SummerForce" is a bit degrading...
The video still is badass rest assured! Editing is pretty tight, song is good, tricks are sick, so you'll still get your fill of FF'ness.
I will be releasing some spoof videos over the next few days as well, in another post. For the mean time, let this occupy your time~
More of Juji to come in the spoof posts!
And sadly, but not so sadly, you wont see much of me in this I'm saving alot for my solo project~
So yeah there ya go...Summer Force 2006///
Comments are surely welcome either through our site or our forum:
YouTube version:
YouTube - Awsome Skaters video, Takeshi Yasutoko and Eito Yasutoko
Some of my favorite people of all time.
enjoy this!!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
YouTube - Back hand spring 50m race world record !
I thought this was some pretty awesome 'ish!
Plus it's Japanese, and you know, Japanese stuff owns~
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Nick B!
This is Nick B's solo vid...He's down with the Oregon/Washington crew. Let's hope to see more projects from them!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Europe representing FF?!?!
Paul Israel from Germany bought an FF shirt and tricked out with it!!! Check it out yoos!
yeeeah, so what you waitin' for?? You should buy an FF shirt~
Combo Battle~
To which I got to pick the first combo (actually I got to pick two), to which, I landed the first combo...
Mind you, I'm very awkward at this combo, totally new to me...So it looks a bit n00bish:
btwist-cheat 900-hook kick-540-raiz-flash
Sunday, October 08, 2006
When will tricking be this extreme?
This is pretty old too...this guy just owns. 'nuff said about it~
Saturday, October 07, 2006
A little something~
but its main purpose is to show Jester that I finally got his signature combo. (one of them...well its mainly Matt Emig's sig combo but Jim does it so well, and is the reason why I choose to learn it)
So yeah, Jester, FS and NAN would understand the importance of this combo... because of a particular night~
without further...adue? a-do? i guess i cant spell:
Friday, October 06, 2006
Projects> Updates> Events
I have a picture pack from the NAN trip, which I'm putting together, onto our picture blog, which is still in the works~
All older pictures are also being packaged and will be released in our picture blog, which is still, "in the works".
I did create a store at CafePress for you guys to order FF tshirts! Theyre pretty nice, and if youre a fan, Id recommend purchasing one. =)
Im not making any money off of the shirts, the main objective of that store is for people in random areas to buy shirts at any time, without me having to worry about shipping things out and dealing with payments. etc...
Aside from the video projects and event planning, I'm also redoing the colors of the site, and improving functionality as well. I'm plugging in a blog for videos and pictures...and transferring videos and pictures to different folders on our servers. (Hostrocket and Youtube)
That should be complete by the Summer Force 06 release date which is October 15th!
Currently im editing Summer Force 06, NAN Roadtrip 06, "Carnage", and "New Born".
What a task! Summer Force's estimated release date is set for October 15th 2006!
Summer force pretty much shows all the events and sessions we hit up as a team over the summer...Juji of course is in the video too. ;)
The NAN Roadtrip trick videos probably won't be released until at least November 1st, ONLY because I'm in the middle of finishing Summer Force...and it's just too much to edit at once.
"Carnage" is Justin Carney's new solo sampler. Release date is still unknown. He feels as if it's very incomplete, and so do I.
"New Born" is my new solo project, there is no release date set...Honestly I dont know when it'll be finished. Everytime I approach a conclusion to the video I get discouraged with the product and I decide to film more clips to make it better. Im deep in training mode so I'm constantly getting better which means the sampler gets pushed back more and more. =T
We'll see~
Ryan Rempfer is also considering a filming phase for a solo video as well, but is still in the planning stages...
furiousforce= 23
Haime> 4
And I must say I'm totally impressed!
Follow the user's profile at YouTube to see many more crazy videos by this bunch!!
...some more?
So normally people duck when buckets of ice cubes get tossed at your face... I kinda just eat lo mein and chuckle. But then again, batteries do fly away 15 times upwards in American Malls, with Mongolians. Forget the farting jack, crank it up with teeth!
Furious Force= 14
Thursday, October 05, 2006
ok yeaah...

Bill Christy is extravagantly, the. Ice cream pistols sharp 8 wings of juice cartons. Gas stations like mobil offer 0 percent ddr konami specials. I like butterfinger beebees, and danger zone epic life skills like, dodging bullets! So yeah, the rumours are true, boogers taste like potato chips, and so do potato chips. I guess snakes like effing up your day, if youre from Laupeim anyways...
Yeah guys, Billy Bilang is 56 years old...we went to college together back in "38". Jesus was our room mate, and yes, I mean Christ.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
sack packen, cork machen...
//sack packen, cork machen//
"Grab your balls and make a corck"
Saturday, September 30, 2006
So yeah, leave a comment if you will>
Monday, September 25, 2006
Jester and NAN...
FF forum
FS Forum
NAN Website
Appreciation post~

Let's say that this group sure did make an awesome impression on everyone they encountered here in the States. A very motivational spirit was left inside me when they left...
This group has, "got it together". Everything from skilled atheletes, fun-goer's, camera men, loyal fans, an awesome webmaster/leader, a team full of enthusiastic members that unite to get things done, to most importantly...motivation and dedication. They are indeed the future of the online tricking community.
I was able to learn something from each and every person who came to visit from Norway these past 9 days... I feel as if I formally need to thank each and everyone, and I will in fact do that =)
Rene- It's crazy how you went so far to accomplish something you really wanted to do. You contacted me about travel arrangements, made your own plans...and got yourself all the way to the US! You did improve a bit from Germany, and I'd say keep working that Audobon!
Wirat- Wicked chilled dude, and very stylish! I like your style alot, and I like your attitude. Very mellow even in the midst of some bullshi*! You're a cool dude and I hope you don't change~
and stop spending so much money! lol
Aril- SICK photography man! AND sick video action work... You go right into the action to get a good shot, that's sick! Keep close with NAN, and keep helping them dish out them crazy videos! AND thanks alot for all you've done for Justin and I during that photoshoot, that's really a treasure to me...
Also, I'll see what I can do about sending a bucket/tub of Mayo to Norway for ya'! lol
Sebben- Hella perverted and full of gay energy. What a weird but awesome guy you are!~
Man thanks so much for filling me in on so many Norwegian custums and slang did a good job at making me feel really accepted by all the NAN guys, and you also did a really good job at keeping the vibe of the event positive and upbeat. Dude, you are, an awesome guy...
Stop showing people your nuts! lol
Tan Anh Le aka Loc Lam- I swear you look like my friend Loc Lam! But anyways...even though your "english is so bad", you're a really cool dude to be around. Plus you make yourself easy to understand even if you don't know how to say what you want to talk about. But anyways yeah there are people with worse english than you here in the states...your's isnt too bad. Trickwise...I must say you're really good and shouldn't be intimidated too easily! You shouldv't tricked some more in NY. But yeah, you made up for it in the Cape, so you're forgiven. hehe
Mogwai/Bjarte- DAMN DAMN DAMN! So much I can learn from you... So reckless, and fearless, I really like that! All your tricks are so powerful...and the surface doesnt matter /plyo/grass/concrete/sharp, hard sand dune grass- doesnt matter! You're a beast! One that I'll model myself and my future students after... You still have that really youthful attitude at age 20, and that's really cool to see.
be cool~
Fosse/Fabian- Dude, you impressed me SO much! It seems as if you don't ever get sore! You're like from another planet...same as Mogwai, you trick on all surfaces! You're so insane!!! It was cool being able to talk with you a bit, but it seemed like you were a little hesitant to use your english. But anyways, you're really cool, and I hope I get to hang out with you again. =)
SNAKE- MAN, thank you so much for coming out and showing me the way- hehe. It was great all the times we drove around you always picked my car to be in. (that was special to me) I really learned so much from you and your team, with all our in depth chats. I wish I couldv'e spent a little more time with you guys in a more "comfortable setting" as to learn more from eachother...but we did our best.
Yeah it seems as if you and I have alot of work to do, with all the 15 tapes we have combined to scan through and edit!! lol
It was a grand time for me, and I really hope it was the same for you~
New Age Ninjas- You guys are frikkin' gay max, just like our brother team FS! It was funny seeing you guys mesh together on a more "intimate" level, and it just made me see how much of a weird, giant disfunctional family we are in contrast to our roots! lol
All of our energy combined really molded something special, lets just hope we documented this thing properly because this was something we or anyone else in the tricking community shouldn't know about or never forget!
Jim Ng/ Jester- Man if it wasn't for you, this event wouldn't have worked! Man you helped out so much...Enough of this, "I'm not fit to be a leader!" crap. You have some learship qualities and should embrace them! You looked like you had so much fun with the NAN guys, and I'll just remind you that YOU and MOGWAI are going down in the forums with that "hella gay photo"! haha
Sebastian/RedMunkey- You, really helped bring all the people together at the gym man. You made the arrangements for the gym, that's super important! Thanks for all your efforts and it was so crazy having you around for the trip! You really added a cool vibe to the week~
Justin and Family- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU....I think you understand? yeeeeah~
For everyone else who doesn't, lets just say these people are gold!
Mike and Family- I really didn't think you guys would be too keen on having like 10 guests stay in your home, but you guys showed alot of enthusiasm. It really comforted me seeing you guys so laid back about the situation and as a result helped me loosen up a bit, so that I could enjoy myself. Thanks alot for that awesome dinner, and Matt thanks alot for your anime collection and for bringing us to the beach! Mike...sorry for the incident~
Rob Cabral- You kept the gym open for us! ARIGATO! Plus you showed alot of enthusiasm yourself. You kept us having a good time...and that matters man~
BTW, that will be the last time!
LAST but not frikkin' least is my boy Trevor Flynn Alling! Bro, you're seriously the man... So supportive. You make so many sacrafices for the team man, and I'll tell you...they aren't looked over. You're greatly appreciated and noticed, and indeed needs to be rewarded! Im not sure how I'm going to do it, but this is a small start...THANK YOU SO MUCH!
(more about Trevor at a later date)

Manny Brown says...

...Its actually pretty easy.
At the bottom of every entry, you'll see the area that displays the amount of comments made. You'll also see text that says, "post a comment", or something of that nature. You don't even have to have an account to post comments!
Please people, if you're visiting this blog...comment on some posts from time to time~
We've got a store!

During the NAN trip I was blown away at how nice the NAN shirts are, and how easy it is to get team shirts made. I realized I was insanely lazy in finding a solution for team shirts, and I got myself to do something about it!
We currently have 2 colors available:
white and green
and sometimes the store loads our Red and Black shirt also...but only sometimes~
so if you're lucky enough you may be able to order our "uber special" FF tshirt! (I swear this isn't a marketing scam)
For all those who've ever wanted an FF shirt or now are considering getting yourselves over to this link and order away!
By the way, I also updated the Nav. bar on top with the FF store link as well.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Departure day...

Right now we're at my apartment in Chicopee, MA. Its a solid 3 hour drive to take NAN group 1 to JFK, and close to 45 mins. to EWR for NAN group 2. Afterwards, Jester has an easy 1 hour drive back to his home in Long Island. Sebastian still has a long journey back to Brooklyn. I still have a 3-4 hour drive back home as well...NAN has it the worst though, a long ass plane ride back to Europe, DANG!
I really wish these guys lived here in New England or New York. They're such awesome, fun guys to be around. They have such nice energy...and they have merchandise for their team! (something Sebastian of FS and I have to learn from!!) We gotta get it together...BUT yes that's a bit off topic, and I gotta get going to these airports, so Ciao~
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Early Wednesday, Justin's mom (Laura) made us some breakfast...and actually she made lunch too. We chilled and tried to recoop all day, it was very mellow.
We went to take some pictures out at Justin's friend's house...It went awesome! We also fed some goats. So much fun, they frikkin' eat tree branches WHOLE!!
Wednesday night, Laura had the awesome idea for me to bring the NAN guys over to Mohegan Sun Casino. So yeah, we all did, and had a frikkin' blast! We tricked in the parking lot and throughout all the was crazy fun. At a Krispy Kreme we had a pretty nice session going. Justin Carney, Fosse and Mogwai were pulling some crazy shieet! I mean, I was doing stuff as well but not quite on that he eh he. =T
But Sebben and his frikkin' heart was touching. No matter what, he gives it his all, and that's really admirable. =)
BTW...Jim Ng (Jester:FS:) also is blogging, so check his blog of thoughts... here:::
Team FS Forum
NAN trip coming to a close~

But wow was yesterday insane!? Oh man, such crazyness...We hung out at a local Wendy's and tricked a little in the parking lot. (Redmunky :FS:) did some coolness~
Afterwords we headed to the beach and had a blast. The beach Norwegian style is pretty insane!
That was followed up by a nice dinner at Double Dragon! Food was sooo good~
All this was topped off with an amazing gym session at Cape Cod Gymnastics! I'll tell you, it was an experience~
I promise picture bundles and videos will be on the way! But as it stands now I already have 7 DV tapes to edit from this trip alone!! PLUS the 3 or 4 tapes of stuff I had to capture before this trip even started...AIYEEE! (hehe)
So as this trip comes to a close, Im already dreading the thought of these amazing Norwegians returning home...
They're such a fun group of people, and very content. They hardly complain, and they're frikkin' badass! We've all (NAN, FF, FS) messed our energy into this one big thing-- It should have a name but I haven't given it enough thought. I must say though, Im glad we were finally able to all combine ourselves for an event>
It was truly a groundbreaking experience!
Ehhhh, so as things comes to a closure, I shall post again with some final thoughts, but this'll be all for now...
Friday, September 22, 2006
Complications arise- =T

So major complications set our trip back a day and a half!
The car battery and alternator needed to be replaced and it turned out to be a 500 dollar fix!!
Yeah it was a serious task to be able to find someway to pay this, and continue the trip. It took us a full day to figure out how we were going to pay it...
We finally did, got it fixed, and were on our way to the Cape!
We indeed made it through all the hassle, played alot more video games upon arrival with Matt and Mike Wong. Some guitar hero, tekken...and randomness on the modified xbox!
Today we slept in pretty late [well I did anyways, =) ] And plan on hitting up the beach for awhile and going to the gym a bit later on for another badass session! Some members of FS has joined us on this epic journey. NycZJester and Redmunky is with us and everything's good!
So yeah Im spending too much time on this update, and all the NAN guys are waiting for the next thing to do soooo, I gotta go!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Roadtrippin' With NAN

It was like tetris squeezing all the bags and all 8 members of NAN into the Ford Explorer!
So we're now in Lebanon, CT, at Justin Carney's house. Such a good time is being had by all! We were supposed to go to the grocery store, easily. Of course that's never the case (haha)! Our car battery died out, and isn't recharging. But of course we made it through. Fosse, Mogwai and I tricked a little on the side of the highway while waiting for Justin's dad to charge our battery.
So grocery shopping was a success. Funny enough, the man behind me at the checkout was purchasing 3 cans of Clam Juice. This, for some reason is hilarious to Mogwai---in NY he bought a bottle of clam juice and has been talking about it constantly. So the reinforcement of the man in Lebanon buying clam juice was just overkill. (haha)
Justin and his parents have been treating us so nicely...dinner and breakfast, and snacks! Plus they dont mind how much noise we make, its insane!!
We watched Silent Hill the movie on surround sound, REALLY loud! THAT I must say is pretty freakish! Plus we played deadrising and 99 nights for xbox360! Sebben is frikkin insane at video games-
Lebanon, CT...ahhh, It's a good place to recharge ourselves for the journey to...the "HomeLand". We're going right to the heart, where FF all began. First few days was geared to introduce NAN to FSNY, and how they get down...Now we have to show them how FF started, and show them what we're up to from now on. =)
NewAgeNinjas + FuriousForce+ Cape Cod Gymnastics Center= OhEmmGee'ness!!
Thursday, 8pmCape Cod Gymnastics
Hokum Rock Road Dennis, MA
Driving Directions to CCGC Take Route 6 to Exit 9B (Rt. 134 North)
You are now travelling on Rt. 134 North
Follow Rt. 134 North for approximately 2.5 miles, through 2 sets of lights
Take a left onto Hokum Rock Road
CCGC is 1/4 mile on the right!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
NAN is here!!

The NAN group got split into two groups at the airport in Amsterdam, at the last minute (without warning) and arrived in two different airports at two very different times! NAN group 1 landed in Newark, NJ at 1230 pm. NAN group 2 landed in JFK at 335pm. SO, NAN group 1 didn't have my contact information so getting them at the airport was really diffcult. I drove 3 hours from my house to NJ to find that...NAN WASN'T THERE!!! I get a call after looking for them for 2 hours, it was NAN group one. They say, "hey, we're in time square!"...
So yeah they took a taxi to Jim's house in LI and we went from NJ to Jim's house also...and all was good.
Jester picked up NAN group two from JFK very easily...
We were finally able to meet up with everyone, here at Jester's house. First night we went to a quizno' some subs~ Then tricked in the parking lot...and yeah, frikkin' Fosse and Mogwai tore it uP!
Gainer switch-corck on concrete with shoes on, on a full stomach, going uphill...WTF!?
Boxcutter uphill, on concrete...yeah! insane~
But I did an ariel....AN ARIEL!!! That frikkin crazy right??? ehh~
Afterwards we did a small grass session also, and the bugs killed us! But then again, Mogwai and Fosse tore it up!! They are so curious to know how good they'll be at the gym~
So anyways today we're just playing video games, relaxing...and preparing for the gym session that's about to go down in a few hours!
History, in the frikkin making!!
and I like the word "frikkin"
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
And BTW...check this out! This has got to be the best tricking video at the moment. I copied and pasted right from the site:
Description: Two of Australia's best trickers right here...and if you don't believe me just watch the sampler.
Version: Filesize: 49.13 MB
Added on: 09-Sep-2006 Downloads: 197
HomePage | Rate Resource | Details
Saturday, September 09, 2006
yes yes!!
Friday, September 08, 2006

SOoooo, yeah...i know its been awhile~
To start things off, this summer was hectic! Training, vacationing, working, gatherings, camps etc know, HECTIC. Ive got TONS of footage to edit and trust me itll be worth the wait!
We had a few in attendance at the loopkick camp in California this year (Jon & NateP, Christian L., Larry, and Nick) They chilled at the camp together and held it down. We also made an apperance at Toronto06 (Me, Justin C., Ryan R. and I dont know if you can totally count him in, but we showed up with Wayne "540guy"//kids nuts!//) I also vacationed down to Florida and hung out a bit at US open where I didnt even throw a singal trick =T
I just got back with CrazyAsian of team fs, from Loopkicks Camp Germany. We were guest instructors, and yes...we held it down! The camp was awesome, and let me tell you, it was a "memorable experience", Im already working on the footage =)

Im still in footage collecting phase for Ryan and Justin's new samps. Im also collecting clips for my new samp as well >=)
So whatever footage you see released of us in the next few months may be a bit "reserved".
Justin's samp will be the first to be released =)
CrazyAsian and I were discussing some mini gathering possibilities and solutions. We feel as if we need to take it back a notch as far as numbers and pricing is know---simplify the thing so its only about tricks and nothing else'll matter- Lately tricks events have been getting pretty large scale and we want to make a few more smaller ones to help keep people in shape and have the opportunity laid out for those who arent as priveledged to travel as much~
uhhh besides that, hmmm---nothing much...just doing the usual, training, working, filming, and living up the otaku lifestyle!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006

Ahoy ye great bunch of scurvy bilge-sucking sea-dogs! I hope ye be earnin' yer keep out there and trainin' hard or you'll be dancin' the hempin jig faster'na barnacle grabs m'self onto yer mudder's behind. Do we have an accord ye wee bunch of fancy lads? Ya can bit yer salt'n'rum that them FS lubbers'll are in fer a floggin' by the 'ands of our Cap'n and 'is crew when ye meet'em this night. No quarter mates! Let'em 'ave it the good ol' fashioned way. Ill be loadin' the cannons wit yer arses if you scurvy buccaneers don't do yer best and place the black spot on them weak-kneed blaggards!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Haime makes his Blogger comeback!

Ok first off, this friday, Furious Force is going to "whoop FS' ass" in an epic trick battle! Located at 320 College Hwy. Southwick MA 01077. We're all in high spirits, and pretty healthy for this battle. Two exceptions though, Trevor broke bones in his foot trying corck variations, and Izzi "possibly" broke his toe doing some combos. (even if it's not broken it's seriously damaged) Izzi's a trooper though, he'll still be participating in the battle =)
Besides that, since my last post I've been spending most of my time either training, working, fixing my car, or watching Hajime no Ippo! I haven't kept up much with the blog and yeah, we've lost much traffic =T
Some random events, and happenings (news), in no particular order, worth mentioning:
Haime had a vacation with Hilary (visited Dave C. in Roanoke, and my mother in Florida)
Spectated at US open (Daniel Graham and James Jimenez competed and represented!)
Daniel Graham is now "affiliated" with Loopkicks
Haime got owned by stress and fear at New England open =(
Jay Grenier (King of the Universe, Napalm, Captain) is training again!
I got to train and hang out with JayBuggin'
Haime spent time and trained in Long Island with FDD and CrazyAsian
Ryan Rempfer and Justin Carney have jobs =) ///they both make more than I do =T
Haime, Justin, and Ryan will be attending Toronto Gathering 06!
Haime will be attending Loopkicks camp Germany 06!
Furious Force now has gymnastic floor access!!
Haime's learned new tricks =)
Haime lost 13 lbs. since March =)
Izzi's training with our group in Southwick on a monthly basis!
Justin Carney has a car +10!
and that's pretty much all I can think of...
I may change the colors of this layout, and upload some videos at a later time. Stay informed and involved...
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

DISCLAIMER: The following are the views of gabriel michael andy bryant.And are not nessisarily the views of Haime and the rest of the furious force. You have been warned.
Hello all this is gabe..aka maxx.
I have been asked to post...cause i'm such a damn slacker. I've been in semi-hiding and haven't seen my crew in ages. Gomen nasai haime. But that doesn't mean i've been slacking off in the least bit haha. Never. I just train constantly man, if i had a place to train 7 days a week i totally would and most of you already know that.
What's on maxx's agenda this summer? training haha...listen, we all got our own different goals. Mines naska..thats my champ. Far fetched? maybe...but i don't care..its my goal not yours. The current plan is to get my black belt by august 2007 and hit naska at competes...2008 is it? So i'm constantly training, its funny i have like 5 different forms i'm probably never gonna use but i have them. Its good to do that kinda thing...makes you think and pull out crazy stuff. Its like i'm creating this beast of a masterpiece form for when i do unveil it..i don't want it to be perfect..i need it to be perfect. Since sadly i'm not a complete trickster since i can't flip. I have to be on point with every other aspect of my tricking..kicks and spins...till i can flip.
Right now i'm just training at the school. Working on some crazy wouldn't expect it from me. And thats the best part of being underground not see people for a while cause when you pull stuff out or attempt to. Their like fuck! When did he learn that move?! Thats what i love from people the most. to surprise them.
I hear this years loopkicks camp in cali is the last one. Dunno about germany. But i say go hit it up....i sadly cant make it. Since i got to other martial arts camps this year. And loopkicks is wayyy out of my budget for this year. -=tear=- I sadly wont get my revenge on psycho mike.
I will be hitting up:
ALL star camp Its a sport karate camp held in massachusetts by reggy perry. I went last year and had alot of fun...and inadvertently caused lots of drama. Not my fault i swear....crazy white girls lol. you train hardcore, like this is the hardest i have ever trained in my life and i came out with alot of good stuff. And i expect this year i come out even better since i've learned alot since last year. I had only been training in sport karate stuff a few months last year before camp. But now i'm a whole different beast and have different expectations of myself now.
I also will be hitting up 11th Annual Kajukenpo Pai Lum Summer Camp. Toooootally different beast of martial arts. I have never done a single thing of sport karate or tricking at this camp. They have no idea what we do beyond a wushu kick. And thats cool, i check my shit at the door and get ready to experience a whole different world. I learn stuff i never learned in my 8 years of martial arts and thats very cool. Cause i've only trained in hard style stuff and this camp is soft style..chinese stuff..with a bit of akido and karate thrown in. They don't limit themselves....i find they best way to be well prepared to keep your mind open. Never truly limit yourself to one style..cause then you only truly have one mindset. But if your open to other styles your open to other options beyond your one style.
ok im done peace ya'all keep tricking.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
Succulent as biting a pepper~

Yeah... so far Ryan Rempfer, Andy and Eric May as well as myself are going to compete today and tommorow at Ryan's instructors tournament. If youre interested in either competing or spectating, show up here, at 530pm on friday or sometime in the morning on saturday:
East Granby High School
95 S Main St, East Granby, CT 06026, US
There's also a tricks contest!!
Ya besides that, this is past overdue. A Furious Force partner has asked me to post his site link on our site and I kept forgetful your team captain is> =T
Anyways his name is Canbe Yutaka. He was featured on recently, he's from Tokyo Japan, hes got mad skills! Mike Wong got to hang out with him in Japan a few weeks ago, they filmed some stuff together (that'll be released as soon as Mike completes the samp). Canbe is considering coming to the states sometime this summer, and possibly representing the "force". YEAH!
anyways check out his samp/site:
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
About loopkicks camp>>
This is for all my teammates and students...
Heres the link to all the information regarding the camp:
So yes, I'd recommend making your own travel arrangements...To your own best specifications. There are all types of camp options listed on the site. Make your choice, and contact the Loopkicks staff with any further questions. I only know about stuff listed on the site, and not fully.
Im still not sure what package I'm going with, so I don't know what dates I'll be there. Once I have that information I'll post it up. What I can say is this, It's possible that I won't be at the camp the whole time, BUT, If you want to go to the camp for the full time period it's ok to go if I'm not there. The staff is indeed trustworthy and responsible if that's your main concern. I've met Loopkicks plenty of times and theyre all very responsible individuals...
If you have any questions regarding going/sending your kid to "loopkicks" contact me through email (, or call me if you have my number. If it takes me awhile to call you back please be forgiving as I have alot going on =)
If you go ahead and make your "Loopkick" plans, make sure to let them know that I recommended you>>
Thats all I can really think of right now in regards to the camp. If I think of any other issues or concerns Ill edit this post in a different color font with updates.