Ahoy ye great bunch of scurvy bilge-sucking sea-dogs! I hope ye be earnin' yer keep out there and trainin' hard or you'll be dancin' the hempin jig faster'na barnacle grabs m'self onto yer mudder's behind. Do we have an accord ye wee bunch of fancy lads? Ya can bit yer salt'n'rum that them FS lubbers'll are in fer a floggin' by the 'ands of our Cap'n and 'is crew when ye meet'em this night. No quarter mates! Let'em 'ave it the good ol' fashioned way. Ill be loadin' the cannons wit yer arses if you scurvy buccaneers don't do yer best and place the black spot on them weak-kneed blaggards!
roflcoptor! yeah i saw pirates of the carrib 2 also... dang son thats some huge air on that wave. yarrr, nice post ye salty dog jay, i heard ye be training again. w00t.
ReplyDeletejay rhymes with gay...
when did jay become a pirate