DISCLAIMER: The following are the views of gabriel michael andy bryant.And are not nessisarily the views of Haime and the rest of the furious force. You have been warned.
Hello all this is gabe..aka maxx.
I have been asked to post...cause i'm such a damn slacker. I've been in semi-hiding and haven't seen my crew in ages. Gomen nasai haime. But that doesn't mean i've been slacking off in the least bit haha. Never. I just train constantly man, if i had a place to train 7 days a week i totally would and most of you already know that.
What's on maxx's agenda this summer? training haha...listen, we all got our own different goals. Mines naska..thats my goal..world champ. Far fetched? maybe...but i don't care..its my goal not yours. The current plan is to get my black belt by august 2007 and hit naska at competes...2008 is it? So i'm constantly training, its funny i have like 5 different forms i'm probably never gonna use but i have them. Its good to do that kinda thing...makes you think and pull out crazy stuff. Its like i'm creating this beast of a masterpiece form for when i do unveil it..i don't want it to be perfect..i need it to be perfect. Since sadly i'm not a complete trickster since i can't flip. I have to be on point with every other aspect of my tricking..kicks and spins...till i can flip.
Right now i'm just training at the school. Working on some crazy stuff...trust me..you wouldn't expect it from me. And thats the best part of being underground not see people for a while cause when you pull stuff out or attempt to. Their like fuck! When did he learn that move?! Thats what i love from people the most. to surprise them.
I hear this years loopkicks camp in cali is the last one. Dunno about germany. But i say go hit it up....i sadly cant make it. Since i got to other martial arts camps this year. And loopkicks is wayyy out of my budget for this year. -=tear=- I sadly wont get my revenge on psycho mike.
I will be hitting up:
ALL star camp Its a sport karate camp held in massachusetts by reggy perry. I went last year and had alot of fun...and inadvertently caused lots of drama. Not my fault i swear....crazy white girls lol. you train hardcore, like this is the hardest i have ever trained in my life and i came out with alot of good stuff. And i expect this year i come out even better since i've learned alot since last year. I had only been training in sport karate stuff a few months last year before camp. But now i'm a whole different beast and have different expectations of myself now.
I also will be hitting up 11th Annual Kajukenpo Pai Lum Summer Camp. Toooootally different beast of martial arts. I have never done a single thing of sport karate or tricking at this camp. They have no idea what we do beyond a wushu kick. And thats cool, i check my shit at the door and get ready to experience a whole different world. I learn stuff i never learned in my 8 years of martial arts and thats very cool. Cause i've only trained in hard style stuff and this camp is soft style..chinese stuff..with a bit of akido and karate thrown in. They don't limit themselves....i find they best way to be well prepared to keep your mind open. Never truly limit yourself to one style..cause then you only truly have one mindset. But if your open to other styles your open to other options beyond your one style.
ok im done peace ya'all keep tricking.
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