Door Hinge././. But here's some stuff for you to read.
Sonic Youth's new album is called The Eternal and i just bought it, as well. It's eerie, as Sonic Youth has always been, and really fucking good. i was worried that they might not be able to pull off another good full length album but it has to be among their best and i'm impressed and glad. Perfect amount of noise and guitar, and the lyrics are simple enough to remember but unique enough to make you daydream. female & male vocals is always a plus too. if you aren't a sonic youth fan yet this is a good place to start. Buy it.
The Mars Volta's new album is called Octahedron and is Omar's idea of an acoustic album, even though electric guitars, synthesizers, and drum machines are used throughout. It's much easier to listen to than their previous records and focuses mainly on Cedric's droning and nut-grabbing vocals. The only common theme i can pick out is one of mourning and homicide, probably referring to the drug cartels in mexico overriding the federales and murdering innocent people. "Let the wheels burn, Let the wheels burn. Stack the tires to the neck with a body inside," is the chorus to one of my favorite tracks on the album, "Teflon". At worst, I've heard the album described as "it sounds as if taking back sunday were actually talented," which isn't even much of an insult. Personally, i dig it. even though there isn't much depth to it and you might not be able to listen to it as many times as your other Mars Volta records, you'll still find it haunting and intriguing. Buy it
Also---____--- Hocine, Amar, and Adrien are coming to the east coast on Thursday. They're looking to train, visit New York City, and enjoy themselves. I think they like ladies too. Anyone who is willing to transport, house, feed, trick with, fuck, or help out these friends of ours in any way, Please message Hocine on facebook, contact him on TT, and if need be, just let me know and I'll relay the message. Unfortunately Jaime, Devon, and I are pretty busy through the end of the summer and into Autumn, and they're looking to stay for a month, so we can't do as much as we'd like to help them and spend time with them. But anyone who checks the site and is down with FF and StrikingZ & wants to help, well.... it would be much appreciated.
ALSOALSO, if anyone is going to San Francisco's Outside Lands Festival at the end of August. . . Bring me :)
Justin, let's hang.
I still haven't had a chance to listen to any of the mars volta album yet- hopefully I'll get it right when I get back home. You should review more music, man. you're real good at it!