Friday, May 08, 2009

Yo folks...

So yeah I've still been pretty distant from you guys. I'm sorry...
I'm going back to 2nd shift at work. =(
I'll be working 12-830 pm for awhile, then I'll be doing 330-12am shortly afterward.
Hilary and I are working on, making it work out. She still works 1st shift (7-4pm). We figure we'll have more personal time during the week and we'll enjoy our weekends together a little more. I hope this is true and remains true for however long this may be.
Also we're moving back to Springfield at the end of this month. We'll be living in her parents house, because her parents are moving to Texas and we'll get the Springfield house.

As far as training:

Yeah I've been pretty much going two solid good weeks of training and conditioning then I hit a point where I get sick and fatigued and I loose interest. I make some serious gains in those two weeks then I stale out.
Then after a week, I get back at it again.

What I can say is overall I'm happy with my progress but it's not worthy of my expectations I have for my next sampler. I will not show you guys the goods until I'm there.
I want it to showcase my skills as a tricker who has been around through the different generations of tricking.


  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    I like the idea portrayed in that last sentence...

  2. yesss this! haha
