Saturday, March 08, 2008


Hey's all a part of growing/actualizing etc.

It's all good. In fact, very good that you decided to turn that all around soon enough. I also began noticing you had the wrong mindset, and you were being over critical and negative of people's progression/trick styles.
(Of course that's only based off of my opinion of what tricking is, bla bla)

Anyhow, today, the 8th of March (holy crap time is flying by)/ Jester, and Maguire will be training at 6pm in WCG! I just found out a few minutes ago, so now I'm trying to make last minute plans for a good session. Maybe this will be a bit of a wake up call/good opportunity to relight our fire.
Things are beginning to die out with us, so, lets try to get together and fire it up today--->

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