Monday, December 24, 2007

Post of shame, confusion, and hope...

Yeah, so I haven't trained properly in over a month.
I'm starting to feel regret, as NY gathering 07-08 is fast approaching.
I feel like a fat slug, winter sucks, hate it.
I jumped between three different jobs in the last 2 months. Madness.

I was supposed to train this last weekend in the Cape with good ol' friends, I bailed out because of inadequate rest and mild depression.

ANYWAYS, I finally snapped out of it!

I'll be able to attend NY gathering on Friday night and early Saturday. (I have to leave though, I have to work early Sunday).

I'm working on ciuewcu's sampler, and it's sick! Trust me! Also, I'll be editing a sampler for NY gathering as well.

One more thing, I'm finally motivated for my 2008 solo sampler.


  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    winter does suck jaime, so does work. glad to see your back to training. who is ciuewcu?

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    winter sucks baaawlls. you workin at vitamin world?? cant wait for NY gath
