Videos!! =D
One video is from the day Hans came to train with us, and the other is some random goofy stuff...
Weitd 5
Hans Day
So, yeeaaah...I wont be able to attend the Hurricane Loopkicks Gathering, and I missed CLN~
It really sucks, the weather held me back from safely getting to CLN. And I live far from Florida. (I could take a plane, but its like "spring break" week so prices are sky high...)
I shall make up for it though! Im already planning the FF/NAN\FS gathering, with many cool ideas for guests, hosts and activities!
Also, Im deep in editing on Winter Force 2007!
It may seem as if we hit a bit of a stand still, but, for sure...FF is still moving along!
BTW Bleach 117 and 118 was soooo sick!
i needs to watch some more bleeeach. the hans vid came out nice mang.