So yes yes, it's been a long ass time and plenty is happening! Don't think FF is down, no no.
Ok first off, this friday, Furious Force is going to "whoop FS' ass" in an epic trick battle! Located at 320 College Hwy. Southwick MA 01077. We're all in high spirits, and pretty healthy for this battle. Two exceptions though, Trevor broke bones in his foot trying corck variations, and Izzi "possibly" broke his toe doing some combos. (even if it's not broken it's seriously damaged) Izzi's a trooper though, he'll still be participating in the battle =)
Besides that, since my last post I've been spending most of my time either training, working, fixing my car, or watching Hajime no Ippo! I haven't kept up much with the blog and yeah, we've lost much traffic =T
Some random events, and happenings (news), in no particular order, worth mentioning:
Haime had a vacation with Hilary (visited Dave C. in Roanoke, and my mother in Florida)
Spectated at US open (Daniel Graham and James Jimenez competed and represented!)
Daniel Graham is now "affiliated" with Loopkicks
Haime got owned by stress and fear at New England open =(
Jay Grenier (King of the Universe, Napalm, Captain) is training again!
I got to train and hang out with JayBuggin'
Haime spent time and trained in Long Island with FDD and CrazyAsian
Ryan Rempfer and Justin Carney have jobs =) ///they both make more than I do =T
Haime, Justin, and Ryan will be attending Toronto Gathering 06!
Haime will be attending Loopkicks camp Germany 06!
Furious Force now has gymnastic floor access!!
Haime's learned new tricks =)
Haime lost 13 lbs. since March =)
Izzi's training with our group in Southwick on a monthly basis!
Justin Carney has a car +10!
and that's pretty much all I can think of...
I may change the colors of this layout, and upload some videos at a later time. Stay informed and involved...