Well yeah, it's been 3 days of intensity! Saturday we had a pretty cool session at my school in Southwick. The next day I left out to New York to hang out with FS at Jao's school. Lets say that session was CRAZY! Man Everything about it was so good. It was indeed a fun session. (Although we did get lost on the way to Brooklyn, but, whatever!) That same night I slept over at CrazyAsian's house...that was sooo much fun. I don't think ive laughed that much in like....yeah a long time! Watched anime, ate authentic chinese food, tricked, and farted a whole lot...yeah was cool times>. I took a bunch of pictures at his place...theyre so funny, man we're weird. Ninja Jen (Crazy asian is her brother) also chilled with us. She shared some pretty interestin stories...shes surely a cool cat. She labled me "crazyhaime"...and so, she is now "crazyhaime approved"! We tricked a bit on monday, just crazyasian and I, and we surely recorded enough for a pretty cool training sampler. That I shall be working on within the next couple of days.
P.S. There dog hates my guts!
Im now here in PA. As of now Brian is chillin in his bed catchin some rest for school/work tommorow and Megan the same. Im just bummin out in the basement...trying to catch up on some good old fashioned R and R. Ive barely slept so now im trying to restore myself. Both Brian and Megan have done a great job welcoming me in. Megan gave me free food and Brian hooked me up with this awesome basement to chill in...its great! And the cats hunter and cloud are awesome! Tommorow imma be chillin with Izzi and then Ill be training sometime at night. Hopefully the next day Ill release the first batch of FF Roadtrip footage>> anyways till next update~
SHIMATA!!!!!!! BELIEVE IT !!!! GET OUT!!!!!! excuseme..
ReplyDeletehaha noone will understand~how funny that outro is
ReplyDeletehahha soo truuu