Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

More work...

has been done.

Friday, July 16, 2010

nice job devon

the job is nice, devon. the stuff you did here to the video archive. we are chopping away at that in good time.

Thursday, July 08, 2010


So I finished the team samplers section and I'm working on the solo samplers section. Almost finished!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

you know

I think we should make an in depth personal sampler of Christian this summer.
It doesn't even have to be a trick sampler. He's just insanely interesting, and the world should see that.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Yeah, that's right~

I'm cleaning things up on the blog, etc.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Shout out to Haime!

He's kept this blog+site up and running for years now! I can't even imagine the amount of time he's spent designing and redesigning it, promoting it, and keeping it running! He's quite the captain, I must say.

Gracias, SeƱor Jaime!

Sunday, March 14, 2010



Tuesday, March 09, 2010

TUCG Black and White

I posted it like this hoping it would be better on the eyes...

It isn't though. =T
I failed so hard with those colors.

FF Gathering 07 (TUCG) B+W from Jaime Colon on Vimeo.

Friday, March 05, 2010


please be patient, don't kill each other either.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


new layout/colors
new banner
organize online video collection
take pictures
give everyone access to post on the blog
promote the blog (facebook+other blogs+tt+school+work etc...)

i made new tshirt designs, some day ill upload them haha...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

To Devon, about the tribute...

Devon! Thank you very much for the tribute! This means a lot coming from someone like you. It's good to feed off your positive energy and be able to stay connected in this community through you. You keep me on track and keep me from falling off. Every session I'm like, "I wanna impress Devon with :: :: ::".

You've also grown to be such a great friend to Hilary and I, and more so you've found a permanent spot in my heart and in the circle of FF. I seriously consider you close as family. I trust you 100%, for all the crap you've helped Hilary and I through (and that's a lot, you know~)
You're the man Devon simply put! Your enthusiasm and artistic and creative sense is a real treat, and I hope we'll stay close for life.
And everyone else, thanks for watching and commenting! This is a good collection for myself actually. It's a good reminder of what I can do, and what I should be able to do easily. This video has been pumping me up for a 2010 sampler! It WILL be good...
OH, and A+ for "at the drive in"!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010


Im in the mood for a good ol' fashioned wcg session. Ill be arranging it with Steve in a few days. Saturday hopefully around the normal time~

Monday, January 18, 2010

Haime Tribute Sampler

Jaime's done some pretty insane stuff in the past few years. I edited a quick video of some of my favorite stuff of his:

May the coming years bring you excellent tricks, Jaime!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Birthday session!

Session at wcg on saturday. starting at 1pm. we can trick until fatigue. 10 bucks

its my birthday on sunday, ill be 26! :)

see you soon~

Saturday, January 09, 2010


just incase you don't know...

session at 1pm, wcg tomorrow

Ah man...

I just watched a ton of my raw videos from 2006 and 2007. Just some trainers, and man was I strong, fast, confident, and brave! I need to bring that sense back to my tricking. I've become cautious to the point of ridiculousness. lol

I'm scared of things now, that I've been landing since 2002! That's a big load of crap!

~Must change that~

Friday, January 08, 2010


If you can draw, make some sketches. If you're not that good at drawing, still give it a shot please. Scan and upload or give it to me when we meet.
Mike Wong, Jen Yu and Devon that applies to you three directly. haha

Well yeah I just would like some art from some friends of mine. I will try to upload some crappy Jaime art too.

Friday, January 01, 2010

New York Gathering!!! 09-10

Everyone have fun? Was everybody safe? I'd hope so...

<----- by the way these pics are the WORST! haha

I had a session with Tony and his karate team at a gym in CT. It was pretty cool, there's a lot of new talent coming up these days! :)

This weekend NYG (New York Gathering, hosted by James Yu and Jen Ma) is happening. FF finally has a pretty decent crew showing up. Emily, Justin, Devon, Trevor, ANDY, Hilary and myself will all be attending. And some friends of mine may also show up. (Calif and Blais). Hopefully everything will happen the way we'd like it to. Especially for Jen and James seeing as how they've put so much effort into this event! I'll be editing a video of the Saturday night session, and I'm actually excited about editing it because I have a good amount of support from my "film crew". ;)

So, happy new year and best wishes to all!