Find your power animal! I pretty much was -free typing-. This is all very relevant. Sorry if it seems a bit jumpy from topic to topic...
So today I'm making an entry based off of the overall sense of comfort that everyone on the team is falling into. This comfort (more like lack of effort) can be good for creating a sense of peace within, but guys we are not ready for that sort of thing! Understand that things are happening around us, and we are falling far behind. It's easy for us to look back at the things that we've presented to the community, and feel good about the things we've done. Or possibly even feel as if we're better for whatever other reasons. I also understand that my lack of leadership is also a big contributor to the current problem of the team. But know, this is not the end! Things will get better before they get worse. Tricking can seem like a waste of time, I know. Tricking is difficult. Tricking can consume you. Tricking can depress you. Tricking can make you feel alive. Tricking can make you feel and think many other things depending on your situation in life. But what we must learn to do is to separate our personal ideas and issues, and unify as a team. In a synergistic manner we must progress in this amazing community! One thing that needs to change immediately is the effort that we put into our training. Tricking at such a low intensity is, well... FAIL. Not just as far as power, but more like the courage involved in trying to learn new techniques. One thing is for sure, we are not going to have these young bodies forever. We may not have a carefree situation in which we can try to center ourselves around training. So with that said we must take advantage of our situation and maximize our training! Go big, be experimental. Definitely don't be over critical or pretentious. We can continue to learn, we are always n00bz. Don't let your ego get in the way of being experimental, I am very guilty of this. Or also, don't not try (lol) or use a technique because it is overused in the community. That philosophy will only make you look bitter and hinder your progress. I want us to get back to that progressive mindset, we are being way to relaxed and at the same time pretentious. That is a bad combination. I have to address this issue because it is very apparent how our popularity and "shock value" in our videos is dropping drastically. It's not to late to change, and it's not too late to late to bring the best out in ourselves for our team!
Random Quote from Norman Vincent Peale
"Problems are to the mind what exercise is to the muscles, they toughen and make strong."
Once again I'll be having to send my camera out for repair! The firewire port on it is broken. So I can't capture any footage!!! I had intended on capturing quite a bit this weekend. It looks as if my plans have been deaded, by the dreaded fault prone HV20... I must say I love the quality of the film and I love all it's features, but damn the faults! Anyways, let's cross our fingers and hope that the repair company can fix it themselves rather than sending it out to canon, in which it'd take like a billion years for it to be back in my possession!
Aside from that I have arranged a session at noon-2pm at that place that's normally from (2pm to 4pm). Somewhere in western Ma. (I've been leaning toward keeping our training plans, contact info, and addresses discreet so we can keep our sessions limited to those we invite. This is crucial in these times.)
Also, please try to refrain from crude language. Haha, well it's all good but just don't be overboard like a DMX track- "or something".
And thanks for the shout out mom... Pretty embarrassing. (haha)
Filmed in Western Massachusetts. One clip is from Acadia National Park in Maine.
Run time: 2:11
Basic info: I filmed this video over the summer and fall of 2008. I've pretty much spent my time drilling the tricks and combos in this video, so it's all pretty consistent for me. During the period I spent filming this, I was experimenting a lot with my training, and trying to balance it with getting shots for this project. At times I got pretty discouraged, but I've gained the ability to have a productive session pretty much anywhere in any condition (a few of the clips in this are in the pouring rain).
Other info: I have a Canon HG10, which records in a format completely foreign to every editing program ever. Jaime and I spent a complete 4 days on a 2 minute video, trying to convert, encode, edit, and pulverize the mountain of footage I had recorded over the past 5 months. If left to my own competence, I don't think I ever could have converted this heinous format, let alone make this video. Jaime Colon is a genius and I am so grateful to have him as a friend. Thank you Jaime and Hilary for letting me stay at your house these past few days to work on this video. I can't even begin to describe what great hosts you two are and how much you've helped me. You two are the best.
To Team FF: Thank you guys so much for being such an awesome, committed group of friends. Meeting you all is definitely the greatest thing to happen to me. Christian: You are king at like, everything. I really look up to your creativity, motivation, insight, and maturity. You're a really good friend with amazing potential for everything! Tony: It's awesome hanging out with such a you're modest, kind, and a really good person. Thanks for training and reppin' FF! Justin: Knowing you is like knowing the damn messiah. You're such an awesome and fun guy and your attitude is fucking perfect. You're like my fuckin' hero for real. TREVOR: You do so much for everyone around you and don't ask for a thing in return. I don't think I know anyone more selfless and committed to making everyone happy. It's awesome hanging out with you. Your knowledge of all things great is so damn impressive! Jaime: You've done so much for me it's unreal. You're my main inspiration for obvious reasons. Hilary: You're so awesome and badass! You're just the kind of person that don't take shit and I love that. I literally couldn't imagine our FF family without you. Thanks for being so supportive and just so awesome in general! Ryan: You inspire me so much. The stuff you were doing this summer blew my mind. Keep on killing all sorts of swing thrus and misslegs. That shit is the tits. Andy: You're a great guy with an awesome attitude. It is people like you that make me feel great about living in this world. Keep on rockin' it!
To all my other Tricking friends: You guys motivate me so much. It's awesome watching your styles evolve and being able to learn from you guys. Anyone that complements and critiques me keeps me really motivated... Basically, thanks for tricking and sharing the love!
Do one of you guys still have "JaimeC_Make a Move" the mpeg-2 file? The original file that I gave both of you the night I edited it, the night you guys were at my house...
So yeah, I added some links to the navigational bar, and redid the colors a bit. I also added the youtube feature video thing and made a very basic and new FF logo. It's actually just a font. The splash page is simply just the logo.
I also uploaded a butt load of videos to the [Youtube: FuriousForce] account. Check them out! They're oldies but goodies!
More updates will come within the next few days...
--I still have to add Andy's and Trevor's youtube accounts. Anyone else I'm missing? Anyone have any suggestions, comments, questions, problemas?