Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Manuscript Replica
((i has teh tendonitis, not osgood schlatter's... So my knee should be better much faster than expected. Im going to physical therapy and shit now sooo hopefully i'll be able to trick again soon. I've been distracting myself by playing music, hence all the At the Drive-in / The Mars Volta vids i've been posting. Jaime/Devonz, me llaman. Son estafadores. ¡Sí!))
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
T.F. of Wisdom: Jaime_c:True Perserverance, MMVII
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
scary day~
It will be held at the new Hotshots Directions
It is from 5pm-9pm and it is 20$ a person. Be their or be square!
any MD or VA guys that want to come are more then welcome to stay the night (or however long) at my house
Where your costumes
if u got any questions just PM me : )
edit: if we have 30+ people we can lower the price to 15$ a person.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Teh Future..

So.. Although i have been and am currently "out of commission" due to some knee problems, I would like to meet up with Jaime and Devon (and everyone else of course) soon to discuss new project ideas (although i know Jaime, you're busy with work and other projects at the moment, i'd still like to brainstorm for "Teh Future"). Also, I'd like to confirm the invitation from Haime and Master Han to the Grand Opening and strongly encourage the rest of you furious fooligans to be there.~
Anyways, ive been excluding myself from all physicaal activity for fast recovery and cannot wait till i can train once again, and promise that i will return more furious than evarrrr >=)
I <3z teh //FF\\
For Christian~
Researchers first located the three new mouse lemurs in Madagascar's eastern rain forests in 2001.
It took several more years to gather sufficient data and complete the genetic analysis that confirms the three as distinct species."
"Small, shy, and active only at night, mouse lemurs are difficult to study and have long been considered one of the least well known primate groups.
Until the late 1970s biologists had thought only two species of mouse lemur lived in Madagascar—a dry forest lemur in the west and its rain forest-dwelling cousin in the east."
" With additional field studies, coupled with DNA analysis, the species tally later increased to nine. Now, in addition to the three new species, the researchers propose four more groups for possible species recognition."
"f confirmed, these 4 would bring the total number of mouse lemur species to 16.
A new picture is emerging of a multitude of distinct mouse lemur species across the vast island, separated from one another by barriers such as major rivers and mountains, says Mayor, a former field specialist and correspondent for the National Geographic Society. (National Geographic News is part of the National Geographic Society.)
More to Worry About
Madagascar is a global species-diversity hot spot and the only place in the world where lemurs occur.
All lemurs are thought to share a common evolutionary ancestor that arrived on the island more than 60 million years ago.
Since then the lemur lineage has branched into a variety of shapes, sizes, and habitats.
Over 70 lemur species are now known. But almost all are endangered, mostly due to habitat loss as Madagascar's forests are cut down for subsistence farming or harvested for timber.
"Unlike their larger relatives, mouse lemurs are not hunted for food, due to their small body size, but they are just as at risk of going extinct because of their rapidly disappearing habitat," Mayor said. (See a photo-essay on the selling of wild animals as food—warning: graphic content.)"
Back when only two widespread species were recognized, mouse lemurs appeared to be in far less danger than some of their larger lemur relatives.
"Subdivision into 15 species means that some of the more localized forms may be far more vulnerable to extinction," Martin said.
But the new discoveries may be helping the conservation cause. Madagascar's president recently announced that the government would be tripling the total size of the island's protected areas to 14,826,000 acres (6,000,000 hectares).
"These small lemurs have become huge ambassadors for all things wild in Madagascar," Mayor said."
All taken from National Geographic: External Linkage
Friday, October 12, 2007
Furious Force has been invited to perform at my Master's grand opening.
Im planning on having the whole crew show some support, and a few to perform.
For performers I'd like Justin, Devon, Christian, Tony, Eric, as well as Shaun. Trevor, I'd like for you to bust some breakin moves. Anyone else that'll be there can do some other furious duties.
It'll be on Friday, October 19, from 6:30-8:30. @ the Longmeadow community house, 735 Longmeadow street, Longmeadow MA.
food will be served! including korean food! yesness~
Please make the proper arrangements to be there. Practices between now and then will be tailored around what tricks/forms you'll be doing in the performance.
gracias in advance.
Devon prease help this weekend lol.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I have a very special place to go, its more magical-er than tankf believe it or not!
Make sure to call me so we can make a plan of it. Its about a 45 min. drive from where I live, and further from where everyone else lives. But if we meet up somewhere early enough, or we sleep over somewhere etc. we can all take my car to get there.
Give me a ring-
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
tankf: (5ish-wheneverish)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
thats extemely good news. I captured alot of footage from my trip to europe last year with James (crazyasian), and I thought I lost it all!!! But yeah, I still have it =)
and I had some footage of NAN when we were vacationing in cape cod, so expect all that soon~
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007

Live on, and make no mistakes, Jean Claude van Damm has 9 kids with Juanita Appleton.
lulz! (excellent job devon!)
Once again you raise the bar with style AND pancakes! Your Colombian prices drive me crazy!
I'll boast for once about the luxuries of shoe shopping- just to be portentous. He didn't call me Gary that time! what gives?
I think I could win the baby-eating contest without really trying, but my cousin's grounded. I wish there was some way to hike Mt. Vesuvius- I'd make a million dollars in just one night!
Anyway, that's enough about MY pets, does your uncle surprise hamsters in HIS spare time too? Once again I spit at your lack of references to the Taiga Biome. Guts.
2:16 PM