Saturday, June 23, 2007


Tonights session was so awesome!


Devon and I are working on the sampler right now as a matter of fact!

Friday, June 22, 2007

gym session tonight!

8 or 830...tonight, at whip city gymnastics.

10 bucks

...lets kill it!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

This weekend~

Devonz spendin da nite to help out wif sum editin. We gon' have us a partay!

sooo much fun!

stay tuned for session times~

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

New video!

video from the session on 6 2 07!!



Trevor, Ryan, Devon, and IZZI! create accounts and I'll make you guys able to post entries on the site...

do it~

Jay, Justin and Wong...use your accounts more often!

Teh Videos~

I just now realized that I never posted the Roanoke videos on the website...wells, here ya gos:


Oi oi!

Plarf video project (random ff session) should be done within the next few days.
The triforce project...current progress, maybe 50% complete?
Trevor left the same week as the Texas Gathering to California to get some vely goot gymnastics training for two months. So we'll be very Magical Trevorless for awhile, a hard hit to the heart of the force =(

On the bright side, he'll bring a bunch of new tricks with him to the FF gathering coming up in August! =)
In a few weeks from now, Ryan Rempfer will be moving away to Arizona...
Ryan being a very crucial part of the force shall be dearly missed. But no need for tears, we're sure to cross paths plenty in this trick world =)

Stay tuned for a farewell get-together/session for the R2~
Also, Ryan and I went to the Texas Gathering and had a blast!

We all chilled at the Dong residence for a few days and tricked out!! No sleep for anyone as long as Danny Graham and shaving creme is in the house~


So we did some team battles out there, and our team #4 was victorious!
Haime, Sebastian (red munkey), Tim (username), Phong (demonology), Jefferson Lewis (JL), Josh (8-bit)

That was pretty dope...
The night show, all the tricking, all the pranks, made for a very great gathering! Thanks TXT!!