Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Well...i caught the crazy sickness from DEVON over the weekend! Urrgh, so I called out of work today and decided while I was home, I'd update and tighten the site a bit...

I linked to a few more videos in our archive, and... oh yeah!...

So I didn't mention this, but FF/FS made a roadtrip to Roanoke over the weekend to visit Dave C and the gang. We filmed quite an impressive deal and by the end of the week we shall have a sick video release! A very excellent release it will be!~

Monday, May 07, 2007

Winter Force 0607!!!

"Winter Force 2006/2007"

Format: High Quality WMV
Edited by, Jaime Colon (FuriousHaime)
Length: 4:03
Bit Rate: 1647kbps
Size: 47.0Mbs
Dimensions: 720X480
Song: Rise Against: Art of Losing, Bricks
Edited by, Jaime Colon (FuriousHaime)
Features members: Steve Izzi, Eric May, Andy May, Christian Litcher, Trevor Alling, Devon D.A., Ryan Rempfer, Justin Carney, and Jaime Colon

Additional info: Released on Monday, May 7, 2007. It's a crustaceous sampler indeed~


::Download Files::

Winter Force0607/ Winterweitd/ Winterteaser/

KAjdu? Excellent~

Well our weekend session went excellent. We hung out with a gymnast friend of ours from Dagget's, she's Andrea, and yes, she's starting to trick!
Which is excellent. Um...
All of us have been trick progressing in an excellent way.
Right now Im uploading some videos from 2003, pretty excellent.

.have an excellent day.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Quick gym session at Tim Dagget's Gold Medal Gymnastics in Agawam, MA. From 4-5pm. Then a grass session afterwards. Arrange your own rides. Be there!

um, and I'll be uploading some 2003 videos over the period of this weekend~