Monday, October 30, 2006

\\NewAgeNinjas, Furious Force, and Team FS//

So, tonight marks the night when the "craziness" is unveiled!!

Yes yes...This post shall hold all media updates pertaining to the Roadtrip/gathering we had together! Whenever you want to check on the status of our media updates on the event, refer to this post!!


Click on the video's title name to download/view.

1. Clam - Edited by Snake, of NewAgeNinjas
Format: Quicktime mov.
Song: Like Light to the Flies, by Trivium
Length: 5 minutes, 47 seconds

2. Hotshots - Edited by Jaime Colon, of Furious Force
Format: High Quality WMV
Song: Bury your Head, by Saosin
Length: 3 minutes, 31 seconds

3. Hotshots Part Deux - Edited by Jaime Colon, of Furious Force
Format: High Quality WMV
Song: Voices, by Saosin
Length: 3 minutes, 43 seconds

4. Hotshots Hype!! - Edited by Jaime Colon, of Furious Force
Format: High Quality WMV
Song: "I don't need no *effin* muzik!!" (n/a)
Length: 5 minutes, 36 seconds

5. reserved
6. reserved
7. reserved
8. reserved

For Snake's day to day blog, and videos on the RoadTrip, refer to this link:


The picture gallery(s) are still in construction!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Tricks are for kids...

...Apparently games are too//

So yeah, have fun...

//Well I originally had an embedded game here but took it out because the background noise wasn't "disable'able", and it was kinda annoying. So I just removed it =) //

Get online games for your MySpace, BeBo or website at FunZac!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Forum status, updates//

It's safe to say our sub-forum, on the grand forum will be down for some time:

Day 1-

"SHIT! Upgrading isn't going so hot. The forums won't be back until November 29th (thirty six more days) Kidding. But need a little longer. (Maybe just thirty five days) Hahaha"
- Juji

Day 2-

I'm about done I guess. Now I'm just tweaking and double checking stuff. Won't be back up for another day though. Toilet seat.
- Juji

Day 3-

Things are going well. Feel like this would be a good opportunity to spruce things up a bit. Maybe plant some shrubbery in the publicus and mop the floors in the health and nutrition kitchen?
- Juji

Day 3 and a half-

All done! Now I just gotta clean up shop. Forums will be back up tomorrow evening; And since you don't know when I've posted this message / you can take a stab at guessing when exactly that will be. Hahaha
- Juji

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Official Release of Justin Carney's 2006 Sampler!

Format: High Quality WMV
Edited by Jaime Colon (FuriousHaime), yeah, that'd be me//

Length: 1:22
bit rate: 1841kbps
Size: 17.6Mbs
Dimensions: 720X480
Song: Follow the Leader, by Bigwig

Additional info: Justin Carney always beasts it out over the summer months in our training sessions. He usually has a small variety of tricks he works with, but he gets so damn good at that list of tricks! He's developing lots of power and speed, and this video shows all that... power and speed! =)

FF Carney power+summer+bigwig=sicksauceycream!

In case you guys prefer to preview videos before you download them, we've also uploaded it to Youtube as well:

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The tricksters of pro-wrestling

I'm a big pro-wrestling buff indy and tv stuff. so i'd thought i'd show you some of my favorite of the next generation.

Jack Evans

Add to My Profile | More Videos

Teddy hart Clip

Add to My Profile | More Videos


From France...with Stricking Fury... It's Flow's 2nd sampler//

SOOOO fresh!

(No he's not a member of FF or anything, he's just such an inspiration to FF is all)


Great taste in music I may add! When his second song kicked in, I got instant goosebumps! This samp is too much!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Kaiju on the front page of the Boston Herald?!

Yep...that's right! Furious Force's Mike Wong, member of Kaiju, is known as Kung Fu Chicken noodle and/or Neo Teppen.

Here's The Article!!

Yeah, they're on the front page of the Boston Herald. That's pretty frikkin' sick!

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Adventure of The Red Munkey

The Adventure of The Red Munkey!!

So yeah this is so freaking awesome! Sebastian Hinds (Red munkey of FS) gets to travel all around the US as a job!!!!1

Check out that link for his blog during his trip///

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Another update!

I just redid our video page, give it a look:

FF videos

I also popped a new video in there called "TehCape" parts 1 and 2//

(If the page for some odd reason looks the same, click refresh on your browser to view the changes.)

Saturday, October 14, 2006

So desu ne...

It seems, the NAN roadtrip footage is going to take a bit longer than I expected to be released...

I had too many lingering projects>

Look on the bright side "eh". Everything will be a good build up to a sick ass finale, no?

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th!

Post comments or he'll do somethin' bad to ya'!

Official release of Summer Force 2006

Summer Force 2006
//Click Me to Download//

Format: High Quality WMV
Edited by yours truly, Jaime Colon (FuriousHaime)
Features members, Jon Call (Jujimufu), Steve Izzi, Mike Wong, Eric May, Ryan Rempfer, Justin Carney, and Jaime Colon
Length: 3:14
bit rate: 1897kbps
Size: 42.4Mbs
Dimensions: 720X480
Song: Outer Rings, by Bigwig

Additional info: The video shows our training sessions we've had as a team over the summer months. Sadly, we never had the chance to have a full team outdoor session over the whole summer.
So it to be called "SummerForce" is a bit degrading...
The video still is badass rest assured! Editing is pretty tight, song is good, tricks are sick, so you'll still get your fill of FF'ness.
I will be releasing some spoof videos over the next few days as well, in another post. For the mean time, let this occupy your time~

More of Juji to come in the spoof posts!
And sadly, but not so sadly, you wont see much of me in this I'm saving alot for my solo project~

So yeah there ya go...Summer Force 2006///
Comments are surely welcome either through our site or our forum:

YouTube version:

YouTube - Awsome Skaters video, Takeshi Yasutoko and Eito Yasutoko

YouTube - Awsome Skaters video, Takeshi Yasutoko and Eito Yasutoko

Some of my favorite people of all time.

enjoy this!!

YouTube - Triple backflip

YouTube - Triple backflip

Yeah...some more triple backs~

Thursday, October 12, 2006

YouTube - Back hand spring 50m race world record !

YouTube - Back hand spring 50m race world record !

I thought this was some pretty awesome 'ish!

Plus it's Japanese, and you know, Japanese stuff owns~

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Nick B!

Pretty frikkin' nice!

This is Nick B's solo vid...He's down with the Oregon/Washington crew. Let's hope to see more projects from them!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Europe representing FF?!?!


Paul Israel from Germany bought an FF shirt and tricked out with it!!! Check it out yoos!

yeeeah, so what you waitin' for?? You should buy an FF shirt~


Combo Battle~

So Jim called out FF on our forums, to a combo battle!

To which I got to pick the first combo (actually I got to pick two), to which, I landed the first combo...

Mind you, I'm very awkward at this combo, totally new to me...So it looks a bit n00bish:

btwist-cheat 900-hook kick-540-raiz-flash

Very fresh...

...indeed this is, very fresh~

Sunday, October 08, 2006

When will tricking be this extreme?

Holy crap!

This is pretty old too...this guy just owns. 'nuff said about it~

Saturday, October 07, 2006

A little something~

This can be used as a sampler teaser (if you like this combo anyways)

but its main purpose is to show Jester that I finally got his signature combo. (one of them...well its mainly Matt Emig's sig combo but Jim does it so well, and is the reason why I choose to learn it)

So yeah, Jester, FS and NAN would understand the importance of this combo... because of a particular night~

without further...adue? a-do? i guess i cant spell:

Friday, October 06, 2006

Projects> Updates> Events

Pretty much insane!

I have a picture pack from the NAN trip, which I'm putting together, onto our picture blog, which is still in the works~
All older pictures are also being packaged and will be released in our picture blog, which is still, "in the works".

I did create a store at CafePress for you guys to order FF tshirts! Theyre pretty nice, and if youre a fan, Id recommend purchasing one. =)
Im not making any money off of the shirts, the main objective of that store is for people in random areas to buy shirts at any time, without me having to worry about shipping things out and dealing with payments. etc...

Aside from the video projects and event planning, I'm also redoing the colors of the site, and improving functionality as well. I'm plugging in a blog for videos and pictures...and transferring videos and pictures to different folders on our servers. (Hostrocket and Youtube)
That should be complete by the Summer Force 06 release date which is October 15th!

Currently im editing Summer Force 06, NAN Roadtrip 06, "Carnage", and "New Born".

What a task! Summer Force's estimated release date is set for October 15th 2006!
Summer force pretty much shows all the events and sessions we hit up as a team over the summer...Juji of course is in the video too. ;)

The NAN Roadtrip trick videos probably won't be released until at least November 1st, ONLY because I'm in the middle of finishing Summer Force...and it's just too much to edit at once.

"Carnage" is Justin Carney's new solo sampler. Release date is still unknown. He feels as if it's very incomplete, and so do I.

"New Born" is my new solo project, there is no release date set...Honestly I dont know when it'll be finished. Everytime I approach a conclusion to the video I get discouraged with the product and I decide to film more clips to make it better. Im deep in training mode so I'm constantly getting better which means the sampler gets pushed back more and more. =T
We'll see~

Ryan Rempfer is also considering a filming phase for a solo video as well, but is still in the planning stages...

furiousforce= 23
Haime> 4


So Team StrickingZ just released some new videos today...

And I must say I'm totally impressed!

Follow the user's profile at YouTube to see many more crazy videos by this bunch!!

...some more?


So normally people duck when buckets of ice cubes get tossed at your face... I kinda just eat lo mein and chuckle. But then again, batteries do fly away 15 times upwards in American Malls, with Mongolians. Forget the farting jack, crank it up with teeth!

Furious Force= 14

Thursday, October 05, 2006

ok yeaah...

Bill Christy is extravagantly, the. Ice cream pistols sharp 8 wings of juice cartons. Gas stations like mobil offer 0 percent ddr konami specials. I like butterfinger beebees, and danger zone epic life skills like, dodging bullets! So yeah, the rumours are true, boogers taste like potato chips, and so do potato chips. I guess snakes like effing up your day, if youre from Laupeim anyways...

Yeah guys, Billy Bilang is 56 years old...we went to college together back in "38". Jesus was our room mate, and yes, I mean Christ.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Well, what happens when you introduce tricking to Korea? hmmmm, Same thing that happened with breaking? Yes... they own~

Sunday, October 01, 2006

sack packen, cork machen...

Corck tutorial with Crazy asian, Furious Haime, and Anis:

//sack packen, cork machen//
"Grab your balls and make a corck"