Yeah I popped a tagboard over on the right side for you guys, to make it a little easier to post comments~
So yeah, leave a comment if you will>
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Jester and NAN...
They've posted some words on the whole roadtrip as well, so you should go give their posts a read:
FF forum
FS Forum
NAN Website
FF forum
FS Forum
NAN Website
Appreciation post~

Let's say that this group sure did make an awesome impression on everyone they encountered here in the States. A very motivational spirit was left inside me when they left...
This group has, "got it together". Everything from skilled atheletes, fun-goer's, camera men, loyal fans, an awesome webmaster/leader, a team full of enthusiastic members that unite to get things done, to most importantly...motivation and dedication. They are indeed the future of the online tricking community.
I was able to learn something from each and every person who came to visit from Norway these past 9 days... I feel as if I formally need to thank each and everyone, and I will in fact do that =)
Rene- It's crazy how you went so far to accomplish something you really wanted to do. You contacted me about travel arrangements, made your own plans...and got yourself all the way to the US! You did improve a bit from Germany, and I'd say keep working that Audobon!
Wirat- Wicked chilled dude, and very stylish! I like your style alot, and I like your attitude. Very mellow even in the midst of some bullshi*! You're a cool dude and I hope you don't change~
and stop spending so much money! lol
Aril- SICK photography man! AND sick video action work... You go right into the action to get a good shot, that's sick! Keep close with NAN, and keep helping them dish out them crazy videos! AND thanks alot for all you've done for Justin and I during that photoshoot, that's really a treasure to me...
Also, I'll see what I can do about sending a bucket/tub of Mayo to Norway for ya'! lol
Sebben- Hella perverted and full of gay energy. What a weird but awesome guy you are!~
Man thanks so much for filling me in on so many Norwegian custums and slang did a good job at making me feel really accepted by all the NAN guys, and you also did a really good job at keeping the vibe of the event positive and upbeat. Dude, you are, an awesome guy...
Stop showing people your nuts! lol
Tan Anh Le aka Loc Lam- I swear you look like my friend Loc Lam! But anyways...even though your "english is so bad", you're a really cool dude to be around. Plus you make yourself easy to understand even if you don't know how to say what you want to talk about. But anyways yeah there are people with worse english than you here in the states...your's isnt too bad. Trickwise...I must say you're really good and shouldn't be intimidated too easily! You shouldv't tricked some more in NY. But yeah, you made up for it in the Cape, so you're forgiven. hehe
Mogwai/Bjarte- DAMN DAMN DAMN! So much I can learn from you... So reckless, and fearless, I really like that! All your tricks are so powerful...and the surface doesnt matter /plyo/grass/concrete/sharp, hard sand dune grass- doesnt matter! You're a beast! One that I'll model myself and my future students after... You still have that really youthful attitude at age 20, and that's really cool to see.
be cool~
Fosse/Fabian- Dude, you impressed me SO much! It seems as if you don't ever get sore! You're like from another planet...same as Mogwai, you trick on all surfaces! You're so insane!!! It was cool being able to talk with you a bit, but it seemed like you were a little hesitant to use your english. But anyways, you're really cool, and I hope I get to hang out with you again. =)
SNAKE- MAN, thank you so much for coming out and showing me the way- hehe. It was great all the times we drove around you always picked my car to be in. (that was special to me) I really learned so much from you and your team, with all our in depth chats. I wish I couldv'e spent a little more time with you guys in a more "comfortable setting" as to learn more from eachother...but we did our best.
Yeah it seems as if you and I have alot of work to do, with all the 15 tapes we have combined to scan through and edit!! lol
It was a grand time for me, and I really hope it was the same for you~
New Age Ninjas- You guys are frikkin' gay max, just like our brother team FS! It was funny seeing you guys mesh together on a more "intimate" level, and it just made me see how much of a weird, giant disfunctional family we are in contrast to our roots! lol
All of our energy combined really molded something special, lets just hope we documented this thing properly because this was something we or anyone else in the tricking community shouldn't know about or never forget!
Jim Ng/ Jester- Man if it wasn't for you, this event wouldn't have worked! Man you helped out so much...Enough of this, "I'm not fit to be a leader!" crap. You have some learship qualities and should embrace them! You looked like you had so much fun with the NAN guys, and I'll just remind you that YOU and MOGWAI are going down in the forums with that "hella gay photo"! haha
Sebastian/RedMunkey- You, really helped bring all the people together at the gym man. You made the arrangements for the gym, that's super important! Thanks for all your efforts and it was so crazy having you around for the trip! You really added a cool vibe to the week~
Justin and Family- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU....I think you understand? yeeeeah~
For everyone else who doesn't, lets just say these people are gold!
Mike and Family- I really didn't think you guys would be too keen on having like 10 guests stay in your home, but you guys showed alot of enthusiasm. It really comforted me seeing you guys so laid back about the situation and as a result helped me loosen up a bit, so that I could enjoy myself. Thanks alot for that awesome dinner, and Matt thanks alot for your anime collection and for bringing us to the beach! Mike...sorry for the incident~
Rob Cabral- You kept the gym open for us! ARIGATO! Plus you showed alot of enthusiasm yourself. You kept us having a good time...and that matters man~
BTW, that will be the last time!
LAST but not frikkin' least is my boy Trevor Flynn Alling! Bro, you're seriously the man... So supportive. You make so many sacrafices for the team man, and I'll tell you...they aren't looked over. You're greatly appreciated and noticed, and indeed needs to be rewarded! Im not sure how I'm going to do it, but this is a small start...THANK YOU SO MUCH!
(more about Trevor at a later date)

Manny Brown says...

...Its actually pretty easy.
At the bottom of every entry, you'll see the area that displays the amount of comments made. You'll also see text that says, "post a comment", or something of that nature. You don't even have to have an account to post comments!
Please people, if you're visiting this blog...comment on some posts from time to time~
We've got a store!

During the NAN trip I was blown away at how nice the NAN shirts are, and how easy it is to get team shirts made. I realized I was insanely lazy in finding a solution for team shirts, and I got myself to do something about it!
We currently have 2 colors available:
white and green
and sometimes the store loads our Red and Black shirt also...but only sometimes~
so if you're lucky enough you may be able to order our "uber special" FF tshirt! (I swear this isn't a marketing scam)
For all those who've ever wanted an FF shirt or now are considering getting yourselves over to this link and order away!
By the way, I also updated the Nav. bar on top with the FF store link as well.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Departure day...

Right now we're at my apartment in Chicopee, MA. Its a solid 3 hour drive to take NAN group 1 to JFK, and close to 45 mins. to EWR for NAN group 2. Afterwards, Jester has an easy 1 hour drive back to his home in Long Island. Sebastian still has a long journey back to Brooklyn. I still have a 3-4 hour drive back home as well...NAN has it the worst though, a long ass plane ride back to Europe, DANG!
I really wish these guys lived here in New England or New York. They're such awesome, fun guys to be around. They have such nice energy...and they have merchandise for their team! (something Sebastian of FS and I have to learn from!!) We gotta get it together...BUT yes that's a bit off topic, and I gotta get going to these airports, so Ciao~
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Early Wednesday, Justin's mom (Laura) made us some breakfast...and actually she made lunch too. We chilled and tried to recoop all day, it was very mellow.
We went to take some pictures out at Justin's friend's house...It went awesome! We also fed some goats. So much fun, they frikkin' eat tree branches WHOLE!!
Wednesday night, Laura had the awesome idea for me to bring the NAN guys over to Mohegan Sun Casino. So yeah, we all did, and had a frikkin' blast! We tricked in the parking lot and throughout all the was crazy fun. At a Krispy Kreme we had a pretty nice session going. Justin Carney, Fosse and Mogwai were pulling some crazy shieet! I mean, I was doing stuff as well but not quite on that he eh he. =T
But Sebben and his frikkin' heart was touching. No matter what, he gives it his all, and that's really admirable. =)
BTW...Jim Ng (Jester:FS:) also is blogging, so check his blog of thoughts... here:::
Team FS Forum
NAN trip coming to a close~

But wow was yesterday insane!? Oh man, such crazyness...We hung out at a local Wendy's and tricked a little in the parking lot. (Redmunky :FS:) did some coolness~
Afterwords we headed to the beach and had a blast. The beach Norwegian style is pretty insane!
That was followed up by a nice dinner at Double Dragon! Food was sooo good~
All this was topped off with an amazing gym session at Cape Cod Gymnastics! I'll tell you, it was an experience~
I promise picture bundles and videos will be on the way! But as it stands now I already have 7 DV tapes to edit from this trip alone!! PLUS the 3 or 4 tapes of stuff I had to capture before this trip even started...AIYEEE! (hehe)
So as this trip comes to a close, Im already dreading the thought of these amazing Norwegians returning home...
They're such a fun group of people, and very content. They hardly complain, and they're frikkin' badass! We've all (NAN, FF, FS) messed our energy into this one big thing-- It should have a name but I haven't given it enough thought. I must say though, Im glad we were finally able to all combine ourselves for an event>
It was truly a groundbreaking experience!
Ehhhh, so as things comes to a closure, I shall post again with some final thoughts, but this'll be all for now...
Friday, September 22, 2006
Complications arise- =T

So major complications set our trip back a day and a half!
The car battery and alternator needed to be replaced and it turned out to be a 500 dollar fix!!
Yeah it was a serious task to be able to find someway to pay this, and continue the trip. It took us a full day to figure out how we were going to pay it...
We finally did, got it fixed, and were on our way to the Cape!
We indeed made it through all the hassle, played alot more video games upon arrival with Matt and Mike Wong. Some guitar hero, tekken...and randomness on the modified xbox!
Today we slept in pretty late [well I did anyways, =) ] And plan on hitting up the beach for awhile and going to the gym a bit later on for another badass session! Some members of FS has joined us on this epic journey. NycZJester and Redmunky is with us and everything's good!
So yeah Im spending too much time on this update, and all the NAN guys are waiting for the next thing to do soooo, I gotta go!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Roadtrippin' With NAN

It was like tetris squeezing all the bags and all 8 members of NAN into the Ford Explorer!
So we're now in Lebanon, CT, at Justin Carney's house. Such a good time is being had by all! We were supposed to go to the grocery store, easily. Of course that's never the case (haha)! Our car battery died out, and isn't recharging. But of course we made it through. Fosse, Mogwai and I tricked a little on the side of the highway while waiting for Justin's dad to charge our battery.
So grocery shopping was a success. Funny enough, the man behind me at the checkout was purchasing 3 cans of Clam Juice. This, for some reason is hilarious to Mogwai---in NY he bought a bottle of clam juice and has been talking about it constantly. So the reinforcement of the man in Lebanon buying clam juice was just overkill. (haha)
Justin and his parents have been treating us so nicely...dinner and breakfast, and snacks! Plus they dont mind how much noise we make, its insane!!
We watched Silent Hill the movie on surround sound, REALLY loud! THAT I must say is pretty freakish! Plus we played deadrising and 99 nights for xbox360! Sebben is frikkin insane at video games-
Lebanon, CT...ahhh, It's a good place to recharge ourselves for the journey to...the "HomeLand". We're going right to the heart, where FF all began. First few days was geared to introduce NAN to FSNY, and how they get down...Now we have to show them how FF started, and show them what we're up to from now on. =)
NewAgeNinjas + FuriousForce+ Cape Cod Gymnastics Center= OhEmmGee'ness!!
Thursday, 8pmCape Cod Gymnastics
Hokum Rock Road Dennis, MA
Driving Directions to CCGC Take Route 6 to Exit 9B (Rt. 134 North)
You are now travelling on Rt. 134 North
Follow Rt. 134 North for approximately 2.5 miles, through 2 sets of lights
Take a left onto Hokum Rock Road
CCGC is 1/4 mile on the right!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
NAN is here!!

So yes, first day went a little hectic, yes...
The NAN group got split into two groups at the airport in Amsterdam, at the last minute (without warning) and arrived in two different airports at two very different times! NAN group 1 landed in Newark, NJ at 1230 pm. NAN group 2 landed in JFK at 335pm. SO, NAN group 1 didn't have my contact information so getting them at the airport was really diffcult. I drove 3 hours from my house to NJ to find that...NAN WASN'T THERE!!! I get a call after looking for them for 2 hours, it was NAN group one. They say, "hey, we're in time square!"...
So yeah they took a taxi to Jim's house in LI and we went from NJ to Jim's house also...and all was good.
Jester picked up NAN group two from JFK very easily...
The NAN group got split into two groups at the airport in Amsterdam, at the last minute (without warning) and arrived in two different airports at two very different times! NAN group 1 landed in Newark, NJ at 1230 pm. NAN group 2 landed in JFK at 335pm. SO, NAN group 1 didn't have my contact information so getting them at the airport was really diffcult. I drove 3 hours from my house to NJ to find that...NAN WASN'T THERE!!! I get a call after looking for them for 2 hours, it was NAN group one. They say, "hey, we're in time square!"...
So yeah they took a taxi to Jim's house in LI and we went from NJ to Jim's house also...and all was good.
Jester picked up NAN group two from JFK very easily...
We were finally able to meet up with everyone, here at Jester's house. First night we went to a quizno' some subs~ Then tricked in the parking lot...and yeah, frikkin' Fosse and Mogwai tore it uP!
Gainer switch-corck on concrete with shoes on, on a full stomach, going uphill...WTF!?
Boxcutter uphill, on concrete...yeah! insane~
But I did an ariel....AN ARIEL!!! That frikkin crazy right??? ehh~
Afterwards we did a small grass session also, and the bugs killed us! But then again, Mogwai and Fosse tore it up!! They are so curious to know how good they'll be at the gym~
So anyways today we're just playing video games, relaxing...and preparing for the gym session that's about to go down in a few hours!
History, in the frikkin making!!
and I like the word "frikkin"
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Furious Force sub forum is back up and running on!!
And BTW...check this out! This has got to be the best tricking video at the moment. I copied and pasted right from the site:
Team E - Jono and Morgan: Spring 2006 
Description: Two of Australia's best trickers right here...and if you don't believe me just watch the sampler.
Version: Filesize: 49.13 MB
Added on: 09-Sep-2006 Downloads: 197
HomePage | Rate Resource | Details
And BTW...check this out! This has got to be the best tricking video at the moment. I copied and pasted right from the site:
Description: Two of Australia's best trickers right here...and if you don't believe me just watch the sampler.
Version: Filesize: 49.13 MB
Added on: 09-Sep-2006 Downloads: 197
HomePage | Rate Resource | Details
Saturday, September 09, 2006
yes yes!!
Friday, September 08, 2006

SOoooo, yeah...i know its been awhile~
To start things off, this summer was hectic! Training, vacationing, working, gatherings, camps etc know, HECTIC. Ive got TONS of footage to edit and trust me itll be worth the wait!
We had a few in attendance at the loopkick camp in California this year (Jon & NateP, Christian L., Larry, and Nick) They chilled at the camp together and held it down. We also made an apperance at Toronto06 (Me, Justin C., Ryan R. and I dont know if you can totally count him in, but we showed up with Wayne "540guy"//kids nuts!//) I also vacationed down to Florida and hung out a bit at US open where I didnt even throw a singal trick =T
I just got back with CrazyAsian of team fs, from Loopkicks Camp Germany. We were guest instructors, and yes...we held it down! The camp was awesome, and let me tell you, it was a "memorable experience", Im already working on the footage =)

Im still in footage collecting phase for Ryan and Justin's new samps. Im also collecting clips for my new samp as well >=)
So whatever footage you see released of us in the next few months may be a bit "reserved".
Justin's samp will be the first to be released =)
CrazyAsian and I were discussing some mini gathering possibilities and solutions. We feel as if we need to take it back a notch as far as numbers and pricing is know---simplify the thing so its only about tricks and nothing else'll matter- Lately tricks events have been getting pretty large scale and we want to make a few more smaller ones to help keep people in shape and have the opportunity laid out for those who arent as priveledged to travel as much~
uhhh besides that, hmmm---nothing much...just doing the usual, training, working, filming, and living up the otaku lifestyle!
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